Ancient Greeks - were NEVER Macedonians
(too old to reply)
Istor the Macedonian
16 years ago
On 15 Σεπτ, 10:17, "Krater Makedonski" <***@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
He, he, he....
Unfortunately, "Black Athena" propaganda parrots like yourself are doing
exactly the opposite - spreading your old LIES.
Spirit of Tuth
You are nothing other than a nauseous parrot.
Macedonians had always Greek names, toponyms, ways, heroes, gods,
dialect and spread Greek Language and Civilization to the World.

Macedonians named after Greek names ALL the cities they built or

If any modern white people do what Macedonians did we will call them

Whoever denies Macedonians' Greekness is ignoramus or idiot or an
imbecile SlavoSkopian propagandist.
16 years ago
"Istor the Macedonian" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:43c41d89-1e28-47ab-8718-***@z72g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...
On 15 Óåðô, 10:17, "Krater Makedonski" <***@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
He, he, he....
Unfortunately, "Black Athena" propaganda parrots like yourself are doing
exactly the opposite - spreading your old LIES.
Spirit of Tuth
You are nothing other than a nauseous parrot.
Macedonians had always Greek names, toponyms, ways, heroes, gods,
dialect and spread Greek Language and Civilization to the World.

Macedonians named after Greek names ALL the cities they built or

If any modern white people do what Macedonians did we will call them

Whoever denies Macedonians' Greekness is ignoramus or idiot or an
imbecile SlavoSkopian propagandist.



Increadibly enough, it is the very Greeks who are denying Macedonians'
Greekness. If you read any, any old greek classical text that mentiones the
people from the north, they are always classified as Barbarians, those who
do not fit into the Greek city-states arena. Even Filip the Second was
deemed to be a Barbarian (I think it was Demosten... stoklo... sorry, my
knowledge is fading away... who gave famous orations against this Barbarian
from the north, as asked Sparta, Athena and others to unite against them).
And this time/place setting is relevant when trying to determine what is and
what isn't Greek. Otherwise Italians could easily, well no easily but to a
certain extent, claim that the whole of the Mediterrain area belongs to
them, as it once belonged to Romans. For modern Italy had the same sort of a
link towards Rome, as modern Greece has with the Helenistic tribes.
As far as the Macedonia is concerned, its' existence originates from the
first part of 20 century.

When it comes to the names and culture, it is ridicious to claim that the
people from the aear which is today Macedonia spread Greek culture and
therefore should be considered Greek, for, for the same argument you could
claim that, for instance, the Egyptians are also Greek, since they inherited
much of the Greek culture. No need to mention the Romans. The cultural
infulence of the Greek civilisation was widespread, but this is no valid
reason to make claims on ethnical belonging. Alexander first had to conquer
Greece in order to be publicy accepted as one of the Greeks!!! Do not forget

When it comes to the language, today's official Macedonian language is of a
slavic background, not of a greek.

It may well be that I am wrong (perhaps after reading the links posted I
will realise this), but it seems to me that the Greeks are just being silly.
None of them complained when Marshal Tito proclaimed Macedonia in 1945, but
when Jugoslavia broke appart, all of a sudden these voices came to be.
Macedonians care about Greeks as much as about the Serbs, Croatian, whoever.
They don't. They wish to remain a sovereign nation. As they deserve. They
fought for their freedom from the German occupation, united under the
Macedoniam partisan movement, not Greek. They have their own language, own
customs, own religion, own tradition. Plus, the time span of the creation of
the national feeling of the nation of Macedonias is approximately as old as
the national feeling of Slovenians. So if you deny Macedonians the right to
call themselves a nation, who are Slovenians then? For all of their history
they were either under the Austrians or Venice (with a few guest nations as
rulers). So does that give right to the mentioned countires to claim
territory? Riddicilous!!!

Enough for now, I am sure I will recieve nasty comments:)
16 years ago
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
16 years ago
"Panayiotis" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:gam40h$lkm$***@volcano1.grnet.gr...
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])

Clarification please
16 years ago
Today some hot heads from south Greece are calling the Greeks fron
Does it answer your question why Demosthenes was calling Macedonians
As for no ancient source stating that macedonians were Greeks (sic!), please
read and educate yourself:

-Proving the fact that the Ancient Macedonians competeted in the Olympic
games and the Amphictyonies

"They say that these were the clans collected by Amphiktyon himself in the
Greek assembly... `The Macedonians managed to join and the entire Phocian
race... In my day there were thirty members: six each from Nikopolis,
Macedonia, and Thessaly...". Pausanias, Phokis VIII 2&4 (Loeb, W. Jones)

"But Alexander (I) proving himself to be an Argive, he was judged to be a
Greek; so he contended in the furlong race and ran a dead heat for the first
place". (Herodotus V, 22, 2 (Loeb, A. D. Godley) *note that Alexander I was
a Macedonian athlete at the Olympic games

"Belistiche, a woman from the coast of Macedonia, won with the pair of
foals.. at the hundred and twenty-ninth Olympics". Pausanias, Eleia VIII, 11
(Loeb, W. Jones - H. A. Ormerod);

- From the New Testament:

"Paul the Apostle, was summoned to Macedonia by a Macedonian in the form of
a vision speaking to him in Greek" (Act Apost. XVI 9,10)

"The Apostles Paul and Silas met Greek men and women in Thessaloniki and
Beroea" (Act Apost. XVII 4, 12).

- From various classical figures:

"And she conceived and bore to Zeus who delights in the thunderbolttwo sons,
Magnes and Macedon, rejoicing in horses, who dwell round-about Pieria and
Olympus", Hesiod, Catalogues of Women and Eoiae 3 (Loeb, H.G. Evelyn-White).

"There remain of Europe, first, Macedonia and the parts of Thrace that are
contiguous to it and extend as far as Byzantium; secondly, Greece; and
thirdly, the islands that are close by. Macedonia, of course, is a part of
Greece". Strabo, VII, Frg. 9 (Loeb, H.L. Jones)

"The Acarnanians, and the Aetolians, like many other nations, are at present
worn out, and exhausted by continual wars. The Aetolians however, in
conjunction with the Acarnanians, during a long period withstood the
Macedonians and the other Greeks" (Strabo, Geography, Book 10, Chapter 2,

"After having described as much of the western parts of Europe as is
comprised within the interior and exterior seas, and surveyed all the
barbarous nations which it contains, as far as the Don and a small part of
Greece, [namely, Macedonia,]2 we propose to give an account of the remainder
of the Helladic geography." (Strabo, Geography, Book VIII 8, 1)

"but after they had intrusted to Lycurgus the formation of a political
constitution, they acquired such a superiority over the other Greeks, that
they alone obtained the sovereignty both by sea and land, and continued to
be the chiefs of the Greeks, till the Thebans, and soon afterwards the
Macedonians, deprived them of this ascendency." (Strabo, Geography, Book

"And even to the present day the Thracians, Illyrians, and Epeirotes live on
the flanks of the Greeks (though this was still more the case formerly than
now); indeed most of the country that at the present time is indisputably
Greece is held by the barbarians - Macedonia and certain parts of Thessaly
by the Thracians, and the parts above Acarnania and Aetolia by the
Thesproti, the Cassopaei, the Amphilochi, the Molossi, and the Athamanes -
Epeirotic tribes." (Strabo, Geography,book 7,VII,1)

"The Peloponnesians that were with the fleet were... the Lacedaemonians ...
the Corinthians... the Sicyonians... the Epidaurians... the Troezenians...
the people of Hermione there; all these, except the people of Hermione, were
of Dorian and Macedonian stock and had last come from Erineus and Pindus and
the Dryopian region". Herodotus VIII, 43 (Loeb. A.D. Godley).

"For in the days of king Deucalion it inhabited the land of Phthiotis, then
in the time of Dorus son of Helen the country called Histiaean, under Ossa
and Olympus; driven by the Cadmeans from this Histiaean country it settled
about Pindus in the parts called Macedonian; thence again it migrated to
Dryopia, and at last came from Dryopia into Peloponnesus, where it took the
name of Dorian". Herodotus I, 56, 3 (Loeb, A.D. Godley).

"Tell your king who sent you how his Greek viceroy of Macedonia has received
you hospitably... " Herodotus V, 20, 4 (Loeb, A.D. Godley)

"Now that these descendants of Perdiccas are Greeks, as they themselves say,
I myself chance to know" Herodotus V, 22, 1 (Loeb, A.D. Godley)

"But Alexander proving himself to be an Argive, he was judged to be a Greek.
So he contended in the furlong race and an a dead heat for the first place".
Herodotus V 22,2 - Loeb. A. d. Godley).

The speech of Alexander I, when he was admitted to the Olympic games:

"Men of Athens...
Had I not greatly at heart the common welfare of Hellas I should not have
come to tell you; but I am myself Hellene by descent, and I would not
willingly see Hellas exchange freedom for slavery....
If you prosper in this war, forget not to do something for my freedom;
consider the risk I have run, out of zeal for the Greek cause, to acquaint
you with what Mardonius intends, and to save you from being surprised by the
I am Alexander of Macedon." Herodotus IX, 45, 2 (Loeb, A.D. Godley)

"This is a sworn treaty made between us, Hannibal.. and Xenophanes the
Athenian... in the presence of all the gods who possess Macedonia and the
rest of Greece". The Histories of Polybius, VII, 9, 4 (Loeb, W. R. Paton)

"How highly should we honour the Macedonians, who for the greater part of
their lives never cease from fighting with the barbarians for the sake of
the security of Greece? For who is not aware that Greece would have
constantly stood in the greater danger, had we not been fenced by the
Macedonians and the honorable ambition of their kings?" The Histories of
Polybius, IX, 35, 2 (Loeb, W.R. Paton)

"... all men will be grateful to you: the Hellenes for your kindness to them
and the rest of the nations, if by your hands they are delivered from
barbaric despotism and are brought under the protection of Hellas".
Isocrates, To Philip, 154 (Loeb, G. Norlin)

"It is your privilege, as one who has been blessed with untrammeled freedom,
to consider all Hellas your fatherland, as did the founder of your race".
Isocrates, To Philip, 127 (Loeb, G. Norlin)

"Argos is the land of your fathers". Isocrates, To Philip, XII, 32 (Loeb, G.

Titus Livius
"Aetolians, Acarnanians, Macedonians, men of the same language" T. Livius
XXXI, 29, 15 (Loeb, E.T. Sage) ,

"Three brothers of the lineage of Temenus came as banished men from Argos to
Illyria, Gauanes and Aeropos and Perdiccas". Herodotus VIII, 137, l (Loeb,
A.P. Godley)

"The country by the sea which is now called Macedonia... Alexander, the
father of Perdiccas, and his forefathers, who were originally Temenidae from
Argos" Thucydides 99,3 (Loeb, C F Smith)


"He sent to Athens three hundred Persian panoplies to be set up to Athena in
the acropolis; he ordered this inscription to be attached: Alexander son of
Philip and the Greeks, except the Lacedaemonians, set up these spoils from
the barbarians dwelling in Asia", Arrian I, 16, 7 (Loeb, P. A. Brunt)

Alexander's letter to Darius, responding to truce plea:

"Your ancestors invaded Macedonia and the rest of Greece and did us great
harm, though we had done them no prior injury;... I have been appointed
hegemon of the Greeks... "Arrian, Anabasis of Alexander II, 14, 4 (Loeb, P.
A. Brunt)

"Yet through Alexander Bactria and the Caucasus learned to revere the gods
of Greeks... Alexander established more than seventy cities among savage
tribes, and sowed all Asia with Grecian magistracies. Egypt would not have
its Alexandria, nor Mesopotamia its Seleucia, nor Sogdiana its Prophthasia,
nor India its Bucephalia, no the Caucasus a Greek city for by the founding
of cities in these places savagery was extinguished and the worse element,
gaining familiarity with the better, changed under its influence"
(Plutarch's Moralia, Loeb, F.C. Babbitt)

"If it were not my purpose to combine foreign things with things Greek, to
traverse and civilize every continent, to search out the uttermost parts of
land and sea, to push the bounds of Macedonia to the farthest Ocean, and to
disseminate and shower the blessings of Greek justice and peace over every
nation, I should not content to sit quietly in the luxury of idle power, but
I should emulate the frugality of Diogenes" (Plutarch's Moralia, Loeb, F.C

More detailed lecture for people interested to see the truth.
And not only from Greek sources but also Roman and Jewish...
Happy reading!

- Letter from Jewish organisation outlining Jewish quotes from different

To the
Central Boards of the
Jewish Communities of Europe
Bnei Berit International
Executive Council
of Australian Jewry
American Jewish Committee


as you cetrainly know after the division of the former Democracy of
Yugoslavia to a series of independent small states it has been created the
question of the naming of the State of Scopia that is asking to be
recognized under the name of Macedonia

Greece does not object to the recognition of this State, that it wants to
help materially in every way, but it cannot accept the name Macedonia which
since antiquity is related to a plainly Greek region.

Jewish religion and philology consitute the unquestionable witnesses of the
ancient ethnoloigical character of Macedonians as Greeks.

Noticeably the prophers Daniel (chap.8, 1-22 chap.2 para.39 4-13, 26-28, 31,
38 chap. 7, 2-7) Isiaiah chap. 19, 20 chap. 19,23 Joel chap.3 v.6, Jeremy,
Habacoum chap.2, v.5 and the books of the Maccabees (1st book chap. 1, v.1 &
10 chap. 6 v.2, II 8, 20 III 8) include explicit elements for the greek
character of Macedonia.

These very same notions have been supported by the contemporary professors
Yigal Yadin (archaiologist, Jerusalem University), George Box (professor of
Old Testament, London University), Yacov Messorer (numismatist of the
Jerusalem Museum), Erich Graetz (historian Breslow University)

Besides these the Talmoud in relating the friendly meeting between Alexander
the Great and the High Priest Simon the Just, on the former's entry into
Jerusalem in teh year 330 BC., refers to him as Alexander HaMocdon Meleh
Yavan - Alexander the Macedonian, King of Greece. Similar references can be
found in Talmoud in teh books "Seder Hadorot" as well as "Megilat Taanit".

Moreover Jewish historians like

-Flavius Josephus makes reference to the Greeks of Macedonia and to Greece
or Macedonia, sometimes using the one term and sometimes the other, clearly
regarding the Macedonians as Greeks and the Greeks as Macedonians
(Antiquities of the Jews book 11 para.337, 109, 148, 286, 184 book 8
para.61, 95 100, 154, 312 book 10 para.273 book 12 para.322 & 414 where he
includes these Macedonina kings together with Antiochus the Great in teh
conquest if the Greek world by the Romans since he regards Macedonia as a
Greek province).

-Philo of Alexandria refers to the Macedonian King Alexander whom he
indentifies with the Greeks.

-Maimonides according to whom "thanks to the conquest of Judea by the
Greek-Macedonian dynasty the greek learning was transplanted there and
contributed to making Hellenism and Judaism acquainted with one another and
to the creation of a new philosophical and religious synthesis which opened
up new paths and gave new directions to human civilisation".

-Numerous well known rabbis.

In conclusion we mark Henry's Kissinger characteristic statement at the
Management of Europe meeting (Paris, June 1992) "I believe that Greece is
right to have objections and I agree with Athens. the reason is that I know
history, which is not the case most of the others, including most of the
Governement and governement officials in Washington. The strength of the
side of Greece is its history".

We lined up all the above data so as to prove you the legitimacy of the
Greek aspects as far as it concerns the Greek character of Macedonia and to
ask you the full support of these greek postitions to the appropriate
personalities of your country.

Sincerely yours
The President --- The Gen. Secretary

Nissim Mais


-From Arrian's 'The Campaigns of Alexander'. A speech of Alexander:

I observe, my fellow Hellenes, that when I would lead you on a new venture
you no longer follow me with your old spirit. I have asked you to meet me
that we may come to a decision together: are we, upon my advice, to go
forward, or, upon yours, to turn back?

If you have any complaint to make about the results of your efforts
hitherto, or about myself as your commander, there is no more to say. But
let me remind you: through your courage and endurance you have gained
possession of Ionia, the Hellespont, both Phrygias, Cappadocia, Paphlagonia,
Lydia, Caria, Lycia, Pamphylia, Phoenicia, and Egypt; the Greek part of
Libya is now yours, together with much of Arabia, lowland Syria,
Mesopotamia, Babylon, and Susia; Persia and Media with all the territories
either formerly controlled by them or not are in your hands; you have made
yourselves masters of the lands beyond the Caspian Gates, beyond the
Caucasus, beyond the Tanais, of Bactria, Hyrcania, and the Hyrcanian sea; we
have driven the Scythians back into the desert; and Indus and Hydaspes,
Acesines and Hydraotes flow now through country which is ours. With all that
accomplished, why do you hesitate to extend the power of
Greece--yourpower--to the Hyphasis and the tribes on the other side ? Are
you afraid that a few natives who may still be left will offer opposition?
Come, come! These natives either surrender without a blow or are caught on
the run--or leave their country undefended for your taking; and when we take
it, we make a present of it to those who have joined us of their own free
will and fight on our side.

For a man who is a man, work, in my belief, if it is directed to noble ends,
has no object beyond itself; none the less, if any of you wish to know what
limit may be set to this particular camapaign, let me tell you that the area
of country still ahead of us, from here to the Ganges and the Eastern ocean,
is comparatively small. You will undoubtedly find that this ocean is
connected with the Hyrcanian Sea, for the great Stream of Ocean encircles
the earth. Moreover I shall prove to you, my friends, that the Indian and
Persian Gulfs and the Hyrcanian Sea are all three connected and continuous.
Our ships will sail round from the Persian Gulf to Libya as far as the
Pillars of Hercules, whence all Libya to the eastward will soon be ours, and
all Asia too, and to this empire there will be no boundaries but what God
Himself has made for the whole world.

But if you turn back now, there will remain unconquered many warlike peoples
between the Hyphasis and the Eastern Ocean, and many more to the northward
and the Hyrcanian Sea, with the Scythians, too, not far away; so that if we
withdraw now there is a danger that the territory which we do not yet
securely hold may be stirred to revolt by some nation or other we have not
yet forced into submission. Should that happen, all that we have done and
suffered will have proved fruitless--or we shall be faced with the task of
doing it over again from the beginning. Gentlemen of Macedon, and you, my
friends and allies, this must not be. Stand firm; for well you know that
hardship and danger are the price of glory, and that sweet is the savour of
a life of courage and of deathless renown beyond the grave.

Are you not aware that if Heracles, my ancestor, had gone no further than
Tiryns or Argos--or even than the Peloponnese or Thebes--he could never have
won the glory which changed him from a man into a god, actual or apparent?
Even Dionysus, who is a god indeed, in a sense beyond what is applicable to
Heracles, faced not a few laborious tasks; yet we have done more: we have
passed beyond Nysa and we have taken the rock of Aornos which Heracles
himself could not take. Come, then; add the rest of Asia to what you already
possess--a small addition to the great sum of your conquests. What great or
noble work could we ourselves have achieved had we thought it enough, living
at ease in Macedon, merely to guard our homes, accepting no burden beyond
checking the encroachment of the Thracians on our borders, or the Illyrians
and Triballians, or perhaps such Greeks as might prove a menace to our
comfort ?

I could not have blamed you for being the first to lose heart if I, your
commander, had not shared in your exhausting marches and your perilous
campaigns; it would have been natural enough if you had done all the work
merely for others to reap the reward. But it is not so. You and I,
gentlemen, have shared the labour and shared the danger, and the rewards are
for us all. The conquered territory belongs to you; from your ranks the
governors of it are chosen; already the greater part of its treasure passes
into your hands, and when all Asia is overrun, then indeed I will go further
than the mere satisfaction of our ambitions: the utmost hopes of riches or
power which each one of you cherishes will be far surpassed, and whoever
wishes to return home will be allowed to go, either with me or without me. I
will make those who stay the envy of those who return


"Thessaloniki was bulwark of the Greeks ever since the third century AD"

Written in a guide to Thessaloniki by German archaeologists and historians
for the occupying forces of 1941-45

"in the fourteenth century, on the eve of its ultimate destruction by the
Turks, Greece concentrated its intellectual activity in Thessaloniki to
demonstrate its last splendid blaze"

(E. Vassiliev, The History of the Byzantine Empire, p. 863)


Alexander's address to his troops before the Battle of Issus (333 BC)

Alexander now sent for his infantry and cavalry commanders and all officers
in charge of allied troops and appealed to them jar confidence and courage
in the coming fight:

'that already danger has often threatened you and you have looked it
triumphantly in the face; this time the struggle will be between a
victorious army and an enemy already once vanquished. God himself moreover
by suggesting to Darius to leave the open ground and cram his great army
into a confined space, has taken charge of operations in our behalf: We
ourselves shall have room enough to deploy our infantry, while they, no
match for us either in bodily strength or resolution, will find their
superior numbers of no avail. Our enemies are Medes and Persians, men who
for centuries have lived soft and luxurious lives; we of Macedon for
generations past have trained in the hard school of danger and war Above
all, we are free men, and they are slaves. There are Greek troops, to be
sure, in Persian service - but how different is their cause from Ours! They
will be fighting for pay - and not much of it at that; we, on the contrary
shall fight for Greece, and our hearts will be in it. As for our foreign
troops - Thracians, Paeonions, Illyrians, Agrianes - they are the best and
stoutest soldiers in Europe, and they will find as their opponents the
slackest and softest of the tribes of Asia. And what, finally, of the two
men in supreme command? You have Alexander the Darius!..."

Arrian, "Anabasis of Alexander", (Book 2 . 7).


Inscriptions which recorded when, during Greco-Persian wars, when the
Persian General Mardonius conquored Macedonia, showed the Persians referring
to Macedonians as Greeks

"Mardonius had been very successful. There are indications that his army
reached the Danube, because an Old Persian inscription was discovered near
Kolmer in Rumania. (The possibility that the inscription was brought to
Rumania from its original site, however, can not be ruled out.) The conquest
of Macedonia was important, as it was a fine base for further conquests in
Europe and posessed gold mines. Darius was fully entitled to claim in his
inscription at Naqs-i Rustam that he had conquered the Yauna takabara, the
'Greeks with sun hats', a reference to the Macedonian headwear."




Quotes from ancient authors and Byzantine authors from the middle ages


Think you not that Themistocles and those who died at Marathon and at
Plataea, and the very sepulchres of your fathers, will groan aloud, if the
man (Demosthenes) who admits that he has negotiated with the barbarians
(Persians) against the Greeks (Macedonians) shall receive a crown?

Against Ctesiphon, 3.259


From the Varia Historia

When Hephaestion died at Ecbatana (in 324) Alexander placed his weapons upon
the funeral pyre, with gold and silver for the dead man, and a robe-which
last, among the Persians is a symbol of great honor. He shore off his own
hair, as in Homeric grief, and behaved like the Achilles of Homer. Indeed he
acted more violently and passionately than the latter, for he caused the
towers and strongholds of Ecbatana to be demolished all round. As long as he
only dedicated his own hair, he was behaving, I think, like a Greek; but
when he laid hands on the very walls, Alexander was already showing his
grief in foreign fashion. Even in his clothing he departed from ordinary
custom, and gave himself up to his mood, his love, and his tears."

The cutting of the hair to represent grief being a Homeric tradition.

VII, 8.

"Alexander of Macedon, son of Philip, is also reported to have crushed the
many myriads of barbarians on the sixth of the month; that was when
Alexander defeated Darius."


"A law from Stagira which is utterly Greek says "Do not claim wht you did
not put on deposit"

Stagira of course being the home of Aristotle, another famous Macedonian.

3.44 (46)

"Amyntas of Macedon was defeated by his barbarian neighbours and lost his
kingdom. He was thinking of abandoning entirely his territories, happy to
escape with his own safety. While he was in this mood someoned reported to
him Ellopides' remark. He occupied a small area, gathered a few soldiers and
recovered his kingdom."

4.8 (8)

"Hieron of Syracuse, they say, was a philhellene with a great enthusiasm for

For those who claim that to be a philhellene implies an inherent

"Perdiccas the Macedonian who accompanied Alexander on his expedition was
apparently so courageous that he once went alone into a cave where a lioness
had her lair. He did not catch the lioness, but he emerged carrying her
cubs. Perdiccas won admiration for this feat. Not only Greeks, but
barbarians as well, are convinced that the lioness is an animal of great
bravery and very difficult to contend with."

The structure of Aelian's narrative is clear. Greeks on one hand, and then


Aeneas Tacticus

"In giving out watchwords it is needful to provide, if the army happen to be
a mixture from different cities or tribes, that the word shall not be given
out in an ambiguous way, in case one concept may have two different
names.and they cause harm if one issues a password in dialect instead of in
language common to all. One should not, then, issue such words to mixed
mercenaries, nor to the allies of different tribes."

XXIV, Of Watchwords

"The confusions and terrors that suddenly arise in a city or a camp, by
night or by day, are by some called panics-the word is a Peloponnesian,
particularly an Arcadian one."

XXVII, Of Panics

More examples of regional dialects, or ways of speaking. E.g.

Aphrahat/Aphraates (Known as the Persian Bishop)

5. Again the ram was lifted up and exalted, and pushed with its horns
towards the west, and towards the north, and towards the south, and humbled
many beasts. And they could not stand before him, until the he-goat came
from the west and smote the ram and broke his horns and humbled the ram
completely. But the ram was the King of Media and Persia, that is, Darius;
and the he-goat was Alexander, the son of Philip, the Macedonian. For Daniel
saw the ram when he was in the East before the gate of Shushan the fortress
that is in the province of Elam, upon the river Ulai. And he was pushing
towards the West and
towards the North and towards the South. And none of the beasts could stand
before him.(1) And the he-goat of the goats came up from the region of the
Greeks, and exalted himself against the ram, And he smote him and broke both
his horns, the greater and the lesser. And why did he say that he broke both
his horns? Clearly because he humbled both the kingdoms which he ruled; the
lesser, that of the Medes, and the greater, that of the Persians. But when
Alexander the Greek came, he slew Darius, King of Media and Persia. For thus
the angel said to Daniel, when he was explaining the vision to him:--The ram
that thou sawest was the King of Media and Persia, and the he-goat the King
the Greeks. (2) Now, from the time that the two horns of the ram were
broken, until this time, there have been six hundred and forty-eight

18. And concerning the third beast he said that it was like a leopard,
and it had four birds' wings on its back and that beast had four heads. Now
this third beast was Alexander the Macedonian. For he was strong as a
leopard. And as for the four wings and the four heads that the beast had,
that was because he gave the kingdom to his four friends to govern after
him, when he had come and slain Darius and reigned in his stead.

19. And of the fourth beast he said that it was exceedingly terrible and
strong and mighty, devouring and crushing and trampling with its feet
anything that remained. It is the kingdom of the children of Esau.(4)
Because after that Alexander the Macedonian became king, the kingdom of the
Greeks was founded, since Alexander also was one of them, even of the
Greeks. But the vision of the third beast was fulfilled in him, since the
third and the fourth were one. Now Alexander reigned for twelve years. And
the kings of the Greeks
arose after Alexander, being seventeen kings, and their years were two
hundred and sixty-nine years from Seleucus Nicanor to Ptolemy. And the
Caesars were from Augustus to Philip Caesar, seventeen kings. And their 359
years are two hundred and ninety-three years;(1) and eighteen years of

Demonstrations V-Of Wars


Deipnosophists, Book XIII

Concerning the professional "companions" Philetaerus says this in The
Huntress: "No wonder there is a shrine to the Companion everywhere, but
nowhere in all Greece is there one to the Wife." But I know also of a
festival, the Hetairideia, celebrated in Magnesia, not in honour of these
"companions" (hetaerae), but for a different reason, which is mentioned by
Hegesander in his Commentaries, writing thus: "The Magnesians celebrate the
festival of the Hetairideia. The record that Jason the son of Aeson, after
gathering the Argonauts together, was the first to sacrifice to Zeus
Hetaireios and that he called the festival Hetairideia. And the kings of
Macedonia also celebrate with sacrifices the Hetairideia."
The Macedonians celebrated the same festivals as other Greeks.

But when, on again looking, one discovers that it is a monument to
Pythionice the courtesan, what must one be led to expect?" Again,
Theopompus, when denouncing in his Letter to Alexander the licentiousness of
Harpalus, says: "Consider and learn clearly from our agents in Babylon how
he ordered the funeral of Pythionice when she died. She, to be sure, was a
slave of the flute-girl Bacchis, who in turn was a slave of the Thracian
woman Sinope, who had transferred her practice of harlotry from Aegina to
Athens; hence Pythionice was not only triply a slave, but also triply a
harlot. Now, with the sum of more than two hundred talents he erected two
monuments to her; the thing that surprised everyone is this, that whereas
for the men who died in Cilicia defending your kingdom and the liberty of
Greece neither he nor anyone else among the officials has as yet erected a
proper tomb, for the courtesan Pythionice the monument at Athens and the
other in Babylon have already stood completed a long time. Here was a woman
who, as everybody knew, had been shared by all who desired her at the same
price for all, and yet for this woman the man who says he is your friend has
set up a shrine and a sacred enclosure and has called the temple and the
altar by the name of Aphrodite Pythionice, by one and the same act showing
his contempt for the vengeance of the gods and endeavouring to heap insult
on the offices you bestow."

I note that from a contemporary view (Theopompus), Alexander was liberating
the Greeks, well after Guagemala.


"Caesar judged that he must drop everything else and pursue Pompey where he
had betaken himself after his flight, so that he should not be able to
gather more forces and renew the war; and he advanced daily as far as he
could go with the cavalry and ordered a legion to follow by shorter stages.
An edict had been published in Pompey's name that all the younger men in the
province (Macedonia), both Greeks and Roman citizens, should assemble to
take an oath. But whether Pompey had published this to divert suspicion, so
as to keep his intention of further flight secret as long as possible, or
whether he was attempting to hold Macedonia with fresh levies, if no one
stopped him, could not be gauged."

Caesar has just defeated Pompey in Thessaly and Pompey has fled north to
Macedon. While in Macedon, Pompey calls a draft of all Romans and Greeks in
the Roman province of Macedonia, that is the native Greek Macedonians and
any potential Roman soldiers. As events later proved, this was a feint to
draw Caesar into Macedonia while Pompey fled to Asia Minor.

The Civil War, 111.102.3

Constantine Poryphorgenitus

De Administrando Imperio

"The territory possessed by these Romani used to extend as far as the river
Danube, and once on a time, being minded to cross the river and discover who
dwelt beyond the river, they crossed it and came upon unarmed Slavonic
nations, who were also called Avars.
.and the Slavs on the far side of the river, who were also called Avars,."

A counter to yet another ludricous claim of the inhabitants of FYROM, namely
that the Macedonians were 'Slavs', especially as all the records clearly
indicate that the Slavs came from beyond the Danube hundreds of years after
the collapse of the Macedonian kingdom.

".and, what is more, the nations of those parts, the Croats and Serbs and
Zachlumites, Terbuniotes and Kanalites and Diocletians and the Pagani, shook
off the reins of the empire of the Romans and became self-governing and
independent, subject to none. Princes, as they say, these nations had none,
but only 'zupans', elders, as is the rule in the other Slavonic regions."

No note of course of 'Macedonian Slavs'.


"The Slavs of the province of Peloponessus revolted in the days of the
emperor Theophilus and his son Michael, and became independent, and
plundered and enslaved and pillaged and burnt and stole. And in the reign of
Michael, the son of Theophilus, the protospatharius Theoctistus, surnamed
Bryennius, was sent as military governor to the province of Peloponnesus
with a great power and force, vis., of Thracians and Macedonians and the
rest of the western provinces, to war upon and subdue them. He subdued and
mastered all the Slavs and other insubordinates of the province of

Does anyone else find it as ironic as I do that in our current debate this
illustration of the Macedonians being used to supress the Slavs?

Quintus Curtius Rufus

"They recalled that at the start of his reign Darius had issued orders for
the shape of the scabbard of the Persian scimitar to be altered to the shape
used by the Greeks, and that the Chaldeans had immediately interpreted this
as meaning that rule over the Persians would pass to those people whose arms
Darius had copied."


"For his part Alexander responded much like this: 'His majesty Alexander to
Darius: Greetings. The Darius whose name you have assumed wrought much
destruction upon the Greek inhabitants of the Hellespontine coast and upon
the Greek colonies of Ionia, and the crossed the sea with a mighty army,
bringing the war to Macedonia and Greece. On another occasion Xerxes, a
member of the same family, came with his savage barbarian troops, and even
when beaten in a naval engagement he still left Mardonius in Greece so that
he could destroy our cities and burn our fields though absent himself."


"Mutiny was but a step away when, unperturbed by all this, Alexander
summoned a full meeting of his generals and officers in his tent and ordered
the Egyptian seers to give their opinion. They were well aware that the
annual cycle follows a pattern of changes, that the moon is eclipsed when it
passes behind the earth or is blocked by the sun, but they did not give this
explanation, which they themselves knew, to the common soldiers. Instead,
they declared that the sun represented the Greeks and the moon the Persians,
and that an eclipse of the moon predicted disaster and slaughter for those


"Alexander called a meeting of his generals the next day. He told them that
no city was more hateful to the Greeks than Persepolis, the capital of the
old kings of Persia, the city from which troops without number had poured
forth, from which first Darius and then Xerxes had waged an unholy war on
Europe. To appease the spirits of their forefathers they should wipe it out,
he said."


"As for Alexander, it is generally agreed that, when sleep had brought him
back to his senses after his drunken bout, he regretted his actions and said
that the Persians would have suffered a more grievous punishment at the
hands of the Greeks had they been forced to see him on Xerxes' throne and in
his palace."


"In pursuit of Bessus the Macedonians had arrived at a small town inhabited
by the Branchidae who, on the orders of Xerxes, when he was returning from
Greece, had emigrated from Miletus and settled in this spot. This was
necessary because, to please Xerxes, they had violated the temple called the
Didymeon. The culture of their forebears had not yet disappeared thought
they were now bilingual and the foreign tongue was gradually eroding their
own. So it was with great joy that they welcomed Alexander, to whom they
surrendered themselves and their city. Alexander called a meeting of the
Milesians in his force, for the Milesians bore a long-standing grudge
against the Branchidae as a clan. Since they were the people betrayed by the
Branchidae, Alexander let them decide freely on their case, asking if they
preferred to remember their injury or their common origins. But when there
was a difference of opinion over this, he declared that he would himself
consider the best course of action.
When the Branchidae met him the next day, he told them to accompany him. On
reaching the city, he himself entered through the gate with a unit of
light-armed troops. The phalanx had been ordered to surround the city walls
and, when the signal was given, to sack this city which provided refuge for
traitors, killing the inhabitants to a man. The Branchidae, who were
unarmed, were butchered throughout the city, and neither community of
language nor the olive-branches and entreaties of the suppliants could curb
the savagery. Finally the Macedonians dug down to the foundations of the
city walls in order to demolish them and leave not a single trace of the

As the Branchidae were Greeks removed from Ionia, it seems odd that the
Macedonians would share the same language with them were they non-Greeks.

"The gist of the passage was that the Greeks had established a bad practice
in inscribing their trophies with only their kings' names, for the kings'
were thus appropriating to themselves glory that was won by the blood of

On the Cleitus affair, where Cleitus points out it is the army that won the
victories, not Alexander personally.


"He did not want her tainting the character and civilized temperament of the
Greeks with this example of barbarian lawlessness."

Alexander's concern for the morality of his troops is perhaps somewhat
hypocritical, but relevant nontheless.

Oddly enough, Q.C. Rufus is a favourite of Skoian propagandists. Go figure.

Clement of Alexandria


So much for the details respecting dates, as stated variously by many, and
as set down by us.
It is said that the Scriptures both of the law and of the prophets were
translated from the dialect of the Hebrews into the Greek language in the
reign of Ptolemy the son of Lagos, or, according to others, of Ptolemy
surnamed Philadelphus; Demetrius Phalereus bringing to this task the
greatest earnestness, and employing painstaking accuracy on the materials
for the translation. For the Macedonians being still in possession of Asia,
and the king being ambitious of adorning the library he had at Alexandria
with all writings, desired the people of Jerusalem to translate the
prophecies they possessed into the Greek dialect. And they being the
subjects of the Macedonians, selected from those of highest character among
them seventy elders, versed in the Scriptures, and skilled in the Greek
dialect, and sent them to him with the divine books. And each having
severally translated each prophetic book, and all the translations being
compared together, they agreed both in meaning and expression. For it was
the counsel of God carried out for the benefit of Grecian ears. It was not
alien to the inspiration of God, who gave the prophecy, also to produce the
translation, and make it as it were Greek prophecy.

Cosmas Indicopleustes (The Geographer)

Book III

Even in Taprobane, on an island in Further India, where the Indian sea is,
there is a Church of Christians, with clergy and a body of believers, but I
know not whether there be any Christians in the parts beyond it. In the
country called Male, where the pepper grows, there is also a church, and at
another place called Calliana there is moreover a bishop, who is appointed
from Persia. In the island, again, called the Island of Dioscorides, which
is situated in the same Indian sea, and where the inhabitants speak Greek,
having been originally colonists sent thither by the Ptolemies who succeeded
Alexander the Macedonian, there are clergy who receive their ordination in
Persia, and are sent on to the island, and there is also a multitude of
Christians. I sailed along the coast of this island, but did not land upon
it. I met, however, with some of its Greek-speaking people who had come over
into Ethiopia. And so likewise among the Bactrians and Huns and Persians,
and the rest of the Indians, Persarmenians, and Medes and Elamites, and
throughout the whole land of Persia there is no limit to the number of
churches with bishops and very large communities of Christian people, as
well as many martyrs, and monks also living as hermits. So too in Ethiopia
and Axom, and in all the country about it; among the people of Happy
Arabia----who are now called Homerites----through all Arabia and Palestine,
Phoenicia, and all Syria and Antioch as far as Mesopotamia; among the
Nubians and the Garamantes, in Egypt, Libya, Pentapolis, Africa and
Mauretania, as far as southern Gadeira,there are everywhere churches of the
Christians, and bishops, martyrs, monks and recluses, where the Gospel of
Christ is proclaimed. So likewise again in Cilicia, Asia, Cappadocia, Lazica
and Pontus, and in the northern countries occupied by the Scythians,
Hyrcanians, Heruli, Bulgarians, Greeks and Illyrians, Dalmatians, Goths,
Spaniards, Romans, Franks, and other nations, as far as Gadeira on the ocean
towards the northern parts, there are believers and preachers of the Gospel
confessing the resurrection from the dead; and so we see the prophecies
being fulfilled over the whole world.

Not only the Greek language in India due to the Macedonians, but no mention
of a seperate 'Macedonian nation' where the Bulgarians are mentioned.

Book XI

And yet He has not left them without a witness to Himself, that He was
working for their good and taking thought for it beforehand, for He
manifested to them some tokens of His goodness, some four hundred years or
more before the coming of Christ, in the days of Alexander the Macedonian,
long after the Trojan war, when the Greeks were still flourishing. Let me
give an instance of this: When Alexander the Macedonian was passing by
Jerusalem in prosecution of his war against Darius, the High Priest of the
Jews, arrayed in the robes of his office, came forth to meet him, whereupon
Alexander dismounted from his horse and in a very kindly manner embraced
him. And when his attendants reproached him for so doing and said: Why hast
thou done so? he excused himself and said: When I set out at first from
Macedonia, a man dressed in this style was seen by me in a dream who said to
me: Go forth and conquer. The result was that the King himself offered
sacrifices to God and bestowed many gifts on the Temple, and accorded many
privileges to the country of the Jews.In subsequent times Ptolemy surnamed
Philadelphus, after having made careful inquiry from Tryphon the Phalerean
about the Jewish books, and learned the truth concerning them, earnestly
solicited them from the High Priest Eleazar, to whom as well as to the
Temple he sent many presents. These books he received along with seventy
elderly men, who translated them from the Hebrew into the Greek tongue, and
he deposited them on the shelves of his own library. This also was a work of
divine providence, that the translation had been prepared before the coming
of Christ, lest, if it were done afterwards in the days of the Apostles, it
would be exposed to general suspicion, as if they had interpreted what had
been said of old by the prophets both concerning Christ and the calling of
the Gentiles in a way to suit their own predilections.

Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20, the Letter of Philip

"Not content with this, you have shown your contempt for right and your
hostility to me by actually sending an embassy to urge the king of Persia to
declare war on me. This is the most amazing exploit of all; for, before the
king reduced Egypt and Phoenicia, you passed a decree calling on me to make
common cause with the rest of the Greeks against him, in case he attempted
to interfere with us; [7] and today you have such a superabundance of hatred
for me that you negotiate with him for a defensive alliance. Yet I am given
to understand that your fathers of old punished the sons of Pisistratus for
inviting the Persians to invade Greece. You are not ashamed to do what you
have always made a matter of indictment against your tyrants."

"But the crowning agsurdity, I think, is that , though I sent ambassadors
from all my allies to attend as witnesses, and was willing to come to a just
agreement with you in the interests of the Greek world..

While Demosthenes is of course another favourite of the 'other side', it
seems like the great Philip II himself was in no doubt of his 'Greekness'.

Dionysius of Halicarnasus:

Having agreed through heralds upon the time when they would join in battle,
they descended from their camps and took up their positions as follows: King
Pyrrhus gave the Macedonian phalanx the first place on the right wing and
placed next to it the Italiot mercenaries from Tarentum; then the troops
from Ambracia and after them the phalanx of Tarentines equipped with white
shields, forced by the allied force of Bruttians and Lucanians; in the
middle of the battle-line he stationed the Thesprotians and Chaonians; next
to them the mercenaries of the Aetolians, Acarnanians and Athamanians, and
finally the Samnites, who constituted the left wing. Of the horse, he
stationed the Samnite, Thessalian and Bruttian squadrons and the Tarentine
mercenary force upon the right wing, and the Ambraciot, Lucanian and
Tarentine squadrons and the Greek mercenaries, consisting of Acarnanians,
Aetolians, Macedonians and Athamanians, on the left. The light-armed troops
and the elephants he divided into two groups and placed them behind both
wings, at a reasonable distance, in a position slightly elevated above the
plain. He himself, surrounded by the royal agema, as it was called, of
picked horsemen, about two thousand in number, was outs the battle-line, so
as to aid promptly any of his troops in turn that might be hard pressed.



BOOK I. CHAPTER VII: Comparison with Cyrus, King of the Persians and with
Alexander of Macedon.

Ancient history describes Cyrus, king of the Persians, as by far the most
illustrious of all kings up to his time. And yet if we regard the end of his
days, we find it but little corresponded with his past prosperity, since he
met with an inglorious and dishonorable death at the hands of a woman.
Again, the sons of Greece celebrate Alexander the Macedonian as the
conqueror of many and diverse nations; yet we find that he was removed by an
early death, before he had reached maturity, being carried off by the
effects of revelry and drunkenness. His whole life embraced but the space of
thirty-two years, and his reign extended to no more than a third part of
that period. Unsparing as the thunderbolt, he advanced through streams of
blood and reduced entire nations and cities, young and old, to utter
slavery. But when he had scarcely arrived at the maturity of life, and was
lamenting the loss of youthful pleasures, death fell upon him with terrible
stroke, and, that he might not longer outrage the human race, cut him off in
a foreign and hostile land, childless, without successor, and homeless. His
kingdom too was instantly dismembered, each of his officers taking away and
appropriating a portion for himself. And yet this man is extolled for such
deeds as these.

Odd, for the sons of Greece to be celebrating their 'conqueror'?

The kings of the Macedonians

The Chronicle

The end of the Assyrian empire, after the death of Sardanapallus the last
king of the Assyrians, was followed by the Macedonian age.
Before the first Olympiad, Caranus was moved by ambition to collect forces
from the Argives and from the rest of the Peloponnese, in order to lead an
army into the territory of the Macedonians. At that time the king of the
Orestae was at war with his neighbours, the Eordaei, and he called on
Caranus to come to his aid, promising to give him half of his territory in
return, if the Orestae were successful. The king kept his promise, and
Caranus took possession of the territory; he reigned there for 30 years,
until he died in old age.
He was succeeded by his son Coenus, who was king for 28 years.
After him, Tyrimias reigned for 43 years.
Perdiccas for 42 years. He wanted to expand his kingdom; so he sent [a
mission] to Delphi.
A little further on, [Diodorus] says:
Perdiccas reigned for 48 years, and left his kingdom to Argaeus, who reigned
for 31 years.
The next king was Philippus, who reigned for 33 years.
Aeropus for 20 years.
Alcetas for 18 years.
Amyntas for 49 years.
He was followed by Alexander, who reigned for 44 years.
Then Perdiccas was king for 22 years.
Archelaus for 17 years.
Aeropus for 6 years.
Then Pausanias was king for one year.
Ptolemaeus for 3 years.
Perdiccas for 5 years.
Philippus for 24 years.
Alexander, [who] fought against the Persians, for more than 12 years.
In this way the most reliable historians trace the ancestry of the
Macedonian kings back to Heracles. From Caranus, who was the first to rule
all the Macedonians, until Alexander, who conquered Asia, there were 24
kings who reigned for a total of 453 years.
[p229] The individual [kings] are as follows:
1. Caranus reigned for 30 years
2. Coenus - for 28 years
3. Tyrimias - for 43 years
4. Perdiccas - for 48 years
5. Argaeus - for 38 years
6. Philippus - for 33 years
7. Aeropus - for 20 years
8. Alcetas - for 18 years. In his time, Cyrus was king of the Persians.
9. Amyntas - for 42 years
10. Alexander - for 44 years
11. Perdiccas - for 23 years
12. Archelaus - for 24 years
13. Orestes - for 3 years
14. Archelaus - for 4 years
15. Amyntas - for one year
16. Pausanias - for one year
17. Amyntas - for 6 years
18. Argaeus - for 2 years
19. Amyntas - for 18 years
20. Alexander - for one year
21. Ptolemaeus of Alorus - for 3 years
22. Perdiccas - for 6 years
23. Philippus - for 27 years
24. Alexander the son of Philippus - for 12 years

Isidore of Seville


"Greece has seven provinces, Dalmatia being the first on the western side,
then Epirus, Hellas, Thessaly, Macedonia and finally Achaea and the two
provinces of the sea, Crete and the Cyclades." (22)

4.7 Graecia a Graeco rege vocata, qui cunctam eam regionem regno incoluit.
Sunt autem provinciae Graeciae septem: quarum prima ab occidente Dalmatia,
inde Epirus, inde Hellas, inde Thessalia, inde Macedonia, inde Achaia, et
duae in mari, Creta et Cyclades.

ISIDORUS, Etymologiae, XIV, 4, 7 sq. (PL 82, 505)


M.Justinus' epitome of Pompeius Trogus' Universal History 7.1

Macedonia was formerly called Emathia,... Caranus also came to Emathia with
a large band of Greeks, being instructed by an oracle to seek a home in

IV. In the same year a concussion of the earth happened between the islands
Thera and Therasia, in the midst of the sea at an equal distance from either
shore, where, to the astonishment of those that were sailing past, an island
rose suddenly from the deep, the water being at the same time hot. In Asia
too, on the same day, the same earthquake shattered Rhodes,and many other
cities, with a terrible ruin; some it swallowed up entire. As all men were
alarmed at this prodigy, the soothsayers predicted that "the rising power of
the Romans would swallow up the ancient empire of the Greeks and



"As for the Argives, apart from their belief that the Macedonian kings were
descended from them, most of them were also attached to Philip by individual
ties of hospitality and close personal friendships."


Odd, that if the Macedonian Kings spread the 'myth' of their 'supposed'
descent from Argos, why did the Argives also go along with it?




"but we know of no Greek before Pyrros who fought against Rome."

Molossians not Macedonians but they too are often victims of misinformation.


"So Pyrros was the first to cross over against Rome from mainland Greece,
and even so he went over only because he was called in by Tarentum"



"Seleukos had both Greeks and barbarians in his army"

Macedonians included with the Greeks...


"The statues by the river are Mnesimache, and the dedication of a boy
cutting his hair to Kephisos. This has been a tradition of all Greeks from
ancient times."

If you recall Aelians description of Alexander's grief at Hephaestion's



"but in later wars of the whole Greek community the Achaians took their
stand against Philip of Macedon,"


"The Sibyl had made an inspired prophecy about the power of Macedonia, which
was acquired under one Philip and destroyed under the other; this is how it

Macedonia whose kings are from Argos,
Your good and your bad come in the reign of Philip.
One shall create lords for cities and for peoples:
The other shall utterly destroy your glory
Beaten down by eastern and western men.


"But Philip dedicated no trophy, either here or for any other of his Greek
and barbarian victories: raising trophies was not in Macedonian tradition.
The Macedonians say their King Karanos won a battle against a neighbouring
ruler called Kisseus and raised a trophy according to the custom of Argos,
but a lion from Mount Olympos overturned it and utterly destroyed it.
Karanos understood that it was bad policy to begin a perpetual enmity with
the barbarian neighbours;"



"Anaximenes then approached Alexander, and Alexander who knew what he had
come for swore by all the gods of Greece to do the opposite to whatever he


Pliny the Elder:

Such, at all events, were the opinions generally entertained in the reign of
Alexander the Great, at a time when Greece was at the height of her glory,
and the most powerful country in the world.

Why would Greece be at the height of her glory if the non-Greek Macedonians
were ruling...? Anyone?


For my part I believe none would. For I see that even common sword-players,
if they are not utter brutes and savages, but Greek born, when they are to
enter the list, though there be many and very costly dishes set before them,
yet take more content in employing their time in commanding their poor wives
to some of their friends, yea, and in conferring freedom on their slaves,
than in gratifying their stomachs. But should the pleasures of the body be
allowed to have some extraordinary matter in them, this would yet be common
to men of action and business.
For they can eat good meat, and red wine drink,
(See "Iliad," v. 341.)5
aye, and entertain themselves with their friends, and perhaps with a greater
relish too, after their engagements and hard services,-- as did Alexander
and Agesilaus, and (by Jove) Phocion and Epaminondas too,--than these
gentlemen who anoint themselves by the fireside, and are gingerly rocked
about the streets in sedans.

A moral essay by Plutarch that draws comparison between noble Greeks such as
Alexander and Epaminondas...

-Essays, That it is not possible to live pleasurably according to the
Doctrine of Epicurus

Sibylline Prophecies:

Book III

And then shall Hellenes2, proud and impure,
Then shall a Macedonian nation rule,210 Great, shrewd, who as a fearful
cloud of war
Shall come to mortals. But the God of heaven
Shall utterly destroy them from the depth.
And then shall be another kingdom3, white
And many-headed, from the western sea,
215 Which shall rule much land, and shake many
And to all kings bring terror afterwards,
And out of many cities shall destroy
Much gold and silver; but in the vast earth
There will again be gold, and silver too,
220 And ornament. And they will oppress mortals;
And to those men shall great disaster be,
When they begin unrighteous arrogance.
And forthwith in them there shall be a force
Of wickedness, male will consort with male,
225 And children they will place in dens of shame;
And in those days there shall be among men
A great affliction, and it shall disturb
All things, and break all things, and fill all things
With evils by a shameful covetousness,
230 And by ill-gotten wealth in many lands,
But most of all in Macedonia.
And it shall stir up hatred, and all guile
Shalt be with them even to the seventh kingdom4,
Of which a king of Egypt shall be king
235 Who shall be a descendant from the Greeks.
And then the nation of the mighty God
Shall be again strong5 and they shall be guides
Of life to all men. But why did God place
This also in my mind to tell: what first,
240 And what next, and what evil last shall be
On all men? Which of these shall take the lead?
First6 on the Titans will God visit evil.
For they shall pay to mighty Chronos's sons
The penal satisfaction, since they bound
245 Both Cronos and the mother dearly loved.
Again shall there be tyrants for the Greeks
And fierce kings overweening and impure,
Adulterous and altogether bad;
And for men shall be no more rest from war.
250 And the dread Phrygians shall perish all,
And unto Troy shall evil come that day.
And to the Persians and Assyrians
Evil shall straightaway come, and to all Egypt
And Libya and the Ethiopians,
255 And to the Carians and Pamphylians-

765 The seventh of Egypt, shall rule his own land,
Reckoned from the dominion of the Greeks,
Which countless Macedonian men shall rule;And there shall come from Asia a
great king2,
A fiery eagle, who with foot and horse
770 Shall cover all the land, cut up all things,
And fill all things with evils; he will cast
The Egyptian kingdom down; and taking off
All its possessions carry them away
Over the spacious surface of the sea.

The Sibylline Prophecies were a series of early Christian writings to
legitimize Christianity. Presented as proof of how even the ancient oracles
predicted the coming of Christianity they in fact are written after the
events happened. Nonetheless, they do contain historical events...

Suda, The

Karanos, Caranus

One of the Heraclids,[1] he gathered an army from Greece and went into
Macedonia, which at that time was an obscure place. He ruled there and
handed down the rule so that it proceeded in succession all the way down to

The Suda was a Byzantine 'Encyclopedia' and this is the entry for Karanos
the founder of the Macedonian Kingdom..


"Meanwhile with Parthian approval Tiridates III occupied Macedonian towns,
including Macedonian foundations (Nicephorium, Anthemusias, and others with
Greek names) and some places of Parthian origin..."

It seems like the Macedonians were founding cities with 'Greek names'.
Strange for a non-Greek people...

Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome, 8

Velleius Paterculus:
Book I

In this period, sixty-five years before the founding of Rome, Carthage was
established by the Tyrian Elissa, by some authors called Dido. About this
time also Caranus, a man of royal race, eleventh in descent from Hercules,
set out from Argos and seized the kingship of Macedonia. From him Alexander
the Great was descended in the seventeenth generation, and could boast that,
on his mother's side, he was descended from Achilles, and, on his father's
side, from Hercules.

Another Roman historian and another validation of the founding of



"This is a sworn treaty made between us, Hannibal.. and Xenophanes the
Athenian... in the presence of all the gods who possess Macedonia and the
rest of Greece". The Histories of Polybius, VII, 9, 4 (Loeb, W. R. Paton)

"How highly should we honour the Macedonians, who for the greater part of
their lives never cease from fighting with the barbarians for the sake of
the security of Greece? For who is not aware that Greece would have
constantly stood in the greater danger, had we not been fenced by the
Macedonians and the honorable ambition of their kings?" The Histories of
Polybius, IX, 35, 2 (Loeb, W.R. Paton)

an oftenly forgotten quote from Polybios

who were your allies on the former occasion when you invited this people to
join you? Were they not all the Greeks? But with whom are you now united, or
to what kind of federation are you now inviting this people? Is it not to
one with the foreigner? A mighty similarity exists, no doubt, in your minds,
and no diversity at all! Then you were contending for glory and supremacy
with Achaeans and Macedonians, men of kindred blood with yourselves, and
with Philip their leader; now a war of slavery is threatening Greece against
men of another race

for another english translation of the same quote click here

the original text calls the Achaians (a well known Hellenic people)
"?????????" with the Macedonians
"????????" means in Greek "belonging to the same race"
("??????"=same "????"=race)

also regarding this quote if you read a bit further more references are to
be found
"This is a sworn treaty made between us, Hannibal.. and Xenophanes the
Athenian... in the presence of all the gods who possess Macedonia and the
rest of Greece". The Histories of Polybius, VII, 9, 4

supported by King Philip and the Macedonians, and all other Greeks in
alliance with them

0n their parts also King Philip and the Macedonians, and such other Greeks
as are his allies

..and this time its not about including Macedonia (as a region) to the whole
of Greece but the Macedonians (as people) are included in the Greek people
..the key phrase here is "the other/the rest Greeks" which puts the
Macedonians together with the Greeks



"The Peloponnesians that were with the fleet were... the Lacedaemonians ...
the Corinthians... the Sicyonians... the Epidaurians... the Troezenians...
the people of Hermione there; all these, except the people of Hermione, were
of Dorian and Macedonian stock and had last come from Erineus and Pindus and
the Dryopian region". Herodotus VIII, 43 (Loeb. A.D. Godley).

"For in the days of king Deucalion it inhabited the land of Phthiotis, then
in the time of Dorus son of Helen the country called Histiaean, under Ossa
and Olympus; driven by the Cadmeans from this Histiaean country it settled
about Pindus in the parts called Macedonian; thence again it migrated to
Dryopia, and at last came from Dryopia into Peloponnesus, where it took the
name of Dorian". Herodotus I, 56, 3 (Loeb, A.D. Godley).

"Tell your king who sent you how his Greek viceroy of Macedonia has received
you hospitably... " Herodotus V, 20, 4 (Loeb, A.D. Godley)

"Now that these descendants of Perdiccas are Greeks, as they themselves say,
I myself chance to know" Herodotus V, 22, 1 (Loeb, A.D. Godley)

"But Alexander proving himself to be an Argive, he was judged to be a Greek.
So he contended in the furlong race and an a dead heat for the first place".
Herodotus V 22,2 - Loeb. A. d. Godley).
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Enough for now, I am sure I will recieve nasty comments:)
Maybe but not from me.
Istor the Macedonian
16 years ago

http://www.starkrealities.com/fortune.html (passage 5 at least).
When it comes to the language, today's official Macedonian language is of a
slavic background, not of a greek.

This is stupid by humanity and science. How could any serious people
have the same name for two different languages?

I mean, how does any one say "Thessaloniki" (the capital of Macedonia)
in Macedonian?
16 years ago

http://www.starkrealities.com/fortune.html (passage 5 at least).
When it comes to the language, today's official Macedonian language is of a
slavic background, not of a greek.

This is stupid by humanity and science. How could any serious people
have the same name for two different languages?

I mean, how does any one say "Thessaloniki" (the capital of Macedonia)
in Macedonian?


Solun, if you really must know. Btw, I am not Macedonian, just anoyed by
Greeks in this issue
Spirit of Truth
16 years ago
Shame on you for trying to pervert history like the West Bulgarian

Spirit of Truth
Martin Edwards
16 years ago
The historical Macedonians were Greeks. The ancient capital is still in
Greece. Nobody but a few kooks disputes that. The regional capital of
Greek Macedonia is Thessaloniki. I am such a lover of the area that I
was once corrected in a Greek class for using accusative for (K) dative
rather than genitive. Why should the present inhabitants of one part of
it not call it Macedonia? What harm is being done?
Corporate society looks after everything. All it asks of anyone, all it
has ever asked of anyone, is that they do not interfere with management
decisions. -From “Rollerball”
16 years ago
True. But the Greeks disagree with the right of the people of the Republic
of Macedonia to call their home Macedonia, because the Greeks are using that
name for one of their provinces.
Martin Edwards
16 years ago
The district of Great Barr straddles the Birmingham/Walsall border. Do
we fight wars over it? Grow up, all of you.
Corporate society looks after everything. All it asks of anyone, all it
has ever asked of anyone, is that they do not interfere with management
decisions. -From “Rollerball”
Spirit of Truth
16 years ago
It has already been suggested to you that you get real! The Fyromians
are attempting to steal Greek history and heritage and YOU have seen
ample evidence of that.

Spirit of Truth

16 years ago
Post by Martin Edwards
The historical Macedonians were Greeks. The ancient capital is still in
Greece. Nobody but a few kooks disputes that.
Well, this is not precisely the case.
The _ideology_ that Slavic speaking inhabitants of FYRoM are the true
descendants of the "historical" Macedonia
is quite popular in FYRoM. It forms also part of the state ideology as the
naming of the Skopje airport "Alexander the Great" suggests.
The attempt to adopt the star of Virgina (believed to be ancinet Macedonian
royal symbol) as a state symbol on the state flag aslo demonstrates claims
for the historical heritage of Ancient Macedonia. Another good example is
the recent visit of the prince of the Hunza people, who are, it has been
claimed, descendants
of Alexander's soldiers. The prince has been claimed "to be one of us".
The political and ideological implications are that claiming the name
"Macedonia", the modern state of FYRoM pretends she is the successor and
therefore continuation of ancient Macedonia.
Post by Martin Edwards
The regional capital of Greek Macedonia is Thessaloniki.
Post by Martin Edwards
I am such a lover of the area that I was once corrected in a Greek class
for using accusative for (K) dative rather than genitive.

Why should the present inhabitants of one part of
Post by Martin Edwards
it not call it Macedonia? What harm is being done?
Precisely. And now is the time you look closer at the borders of
"historical" Macedonia
and compare what part of it is within the FYRoM.
Krater Makedonski
16 years ago
I thought you wre a bugaroamn, Nikolov, not a grkoman. But, then, this is
the Internet. Anyone can pose as he/she wishes. :-(
16 years ago
Post by Krater Makedonski
I thought you wre a bugaroamn, Nikolov, not a grkoman. But, then, this is
the Internet. Anyone can pose as he/she wishes. :-(
Well, I am not a "grkoman" for the simple reason that I do not consider
myself Greek which is the very definition of the word, isn't it?
Krater Makedonski
16 years ago
Post by stephan.nikolov
Post by Krater Makedonski
I thought you wre a bugaroamn, Nikolov, not a grkoman. But, then, this is
the Internet. Anyone can pose as he/she wishes. :-(
Well, I am not a "grkoman" for the simple reason that I do not consider
myself Greek which is the very definition of the word, isn't it?
Well, you sound more and more like a grkoman with every new day, boyo. Why
don't you tell Mr Philhellene ("Edwards") and Morlock how many millions of
"Bulgarians" have roots in "Black Athena"-occupied Macedonia and about the
imported "Macedonians" from Turkey and "Black Athena" who settled on the
properties of the expelled Macedonian population and now are portrayed as
the "real Macedonians" by the "Black Athena" government, instead of your
selective grkoman/bugaroman anti Macedonian propaganda? Why don't you tell
them also about the ongoing "Black Athena" systematic "hellenisation" of the
native Macedonian population that has remained there? Or, do we keep quiet
on this because "Bulgaromania" is doing the same thing, as well.

As an alleged historian your silence is very surprising, to say the least,
when someone like "Edwards" propagates an outrageous and absurd lie like
"Macedonians were Greeks".
16 years ago
Out of a sudden you care about these people?
The history of the Bulgarians and Greeks in Macedonia has been discussed
many times in this forum and I hardy see the issue.
Although there are differences in opinion on the number and the character of
the Bulgarians killed and deported and later forcefully
"exchanged" with Bulgaria both Bulgarians and Greeks agree that the people
in question were Bulgarians not Cleopatrians like
yourself and your beloved Skopje PM.
Now Bulgaria and Greece are building a common future within the EC, so it is
hardly appropriate to bring the ghosts of the past
to obstruct the future. This is not to say that the past should be forgotten
or "ammended" as you do it Skopje-style. Each country
honors her heroes and remembers her victims. Bishop Karavangelis may be a
hero for the Greeks but for the Bulgarians he is
one of the blackest figures from that time, for instance. But he is long
dead, I believe and we can not carry on the hatred from the past.
Over the years, Greece has always supported the Serbian manipulations of the
character of the Slavic speaking population in what is today
FYRoM but now we see this is backfiring.
Everyone pays dearly for miscalculaated ctions in history and Bulgaria and
Greece are not eception. But the issue here is not the past but the present
and the future.
As you can see we have quite a positive approach even to your yanissery
country that sponsors and maintains openly separatist
organisations in Bulgaria like OMO Ilinden. At the moment this organisation
proudly accounts c. 5 000 people most of of them
being paid to enlist.
I, for one , believe that Bulgaria has rather soft policy to your country.
Partly this is due to the prevalent conviction that you are just
badly influenced children gone astray. Unfortunately, your day-to-day
policy, your media as well as the forum writings prove that you
are ynisseries whose very fact of existence is anti-Bulgarian by nature.
Every step Bulgaria makes towards FYRoM is marginalized and played down -
Bulgaria has given you tanks and weapons for free - you called them "bad
quality and trash"; Bulgaria has been the first country that has recognized
your state -
you have called this "calculated action for future annexation"; Bulgaria has
been supporting you all the way for the Stability Pact, NATO and EU
membership -
you find this support not strong enough.
Bulgarian literature is being confiscated at your borders as if we were
living in the 1930's Germany or Russia; Bulgarian journalists are maltreated
in FYRoM as if they
are enemy military spies; every single day there is a material against
Bulgaria published in the FYRoM press; there are numerous exmples of
obstructions of Bulgarian investment and business in FYRoM.
As for history with all the differences between the "Bulgarian" and the
"Greek" approach one can not miss one simple fact. The FYRoM ideology has
the same aggressive pattern of stealing others historical heritage as
regards both Bulgaria and Greece. I hardly see the differences between your
treatment of Alexander of Macedonia and Samuel of Bulgaria, for instance.
16 years ago
Finally someone with some serious stuff. Is this a result of a fear? Or is
it something different? Among the ex-Jugoslavia countires, Macedonians were
the ones least interested in ethnic struggles.
16 years ago
Post by Marlock
Finally someone with some serious stuff. Is this a result of a fear? Or
is it something different? Among the ex-Jugoslavia countires, Macedonians
were the ones least interested in ethnic struggles.
Fear??? From FYRoM??? Do not make me laugh.
The very future of this country is quite uncertain, so
there is no reason to fear from them whatsoevr.

Actually I see some kind a future - with the Albanians separated from them
the eastern
part of the country might form a federation with the Serbs - their spititual
Istor the Macedonian
16 years ago
On 20 Σεπτ, 00:40, "stephan.nikolov" <***@pri.abv.bg> wrote:
Post by stephan.nikolov
part of the country might form a federation with the Serbs - their spititual
The banner "Macedonia to the Macedonians" was a Bulgarian invention.
16 years ago
"Istor the Macedonian" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:44f0232c-1ce0-49fc-ba9e-***@x35g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...
On 20 Σεπτ, 00:40, "stephan.nikolov" <***@pri.abv.bg> wrote:
Post by stephan.nikolov
part of the country might form a federation with the Serbs - their spititual
The banner "Macedonia to the Macedonians" was a Bulgarian invention.

Sure it was. However, under "Macedonians" was meant all of the inhabitants
of what was then perceived as "Macedonia".
16 years ago
I just realised something. You guys hate Macedonians. No wonder you are not
up to a conversation about it.
16 years ago
Post by Marlock
I just realised something. You guys hate Macedonians. No wonder you are not
up to a conversation about it.
Wrong (again)
16 years ago
Post by Marlock
I just realised something. You guys hate Macedonians. No wonder you are not
up to a conversation about it.
An explanation like "love" and "hate" would work for 5 year old children,
Marlock! :)
16 years ago
Post by stephan.nikolov
Post by Marlock
I just realised something. You guys hate Macedonians. No wonder you are
not up to a conversation about it.
An explanation like "love" and "hate" would work for 5 year old children,
Marlock! :)
What makes you think that his brain is older than that?!...
Istor the Macedonian
16 years ago
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Post by stephan.nikolov
part of the country might form a federation with the Serbs - their spititual
The banner "Macedonia to the Macedonians" was a Bulgarian invention.
Sure it was. However, under "Macedonians"  was meant all of the inhabitants
of what was then perceived as "Macedonia".
16 years ago
Since the 60s actually...
Post by stephan.nikolov
Bulgaria and Greece are building a common future within the EC, so it is
hardly appropriate to bring the ghosts of the past
to obstruct the future.
Friendship like between Bulgaria in Greece there is no other in region, I
consider it even greater than the Greek-Serbian friendship.
Post by stephan.nikolov
This is not to say that the past should be forgotten or "ammended" as you
do it Skopje-style.
Post by stephan.nikolov
Each country
honors her heroes and remembers her victims. Bishop Karavangelis may be a
hero for the Greeks but for the Bulgarians he is
one of the blackest figures from that time, for instance.
One man's terrorist is another man's hero.
See Hagana, EOKA, PLO, etc.
Post by stephan.nikolov
But he is long dead, I believe and we can not carry on the hatred from the
Dead with the dead and alive with the alive.
Post by stephan.nikolov
As you can see we have quite a positive approach even to your yanissery
country that sponsors and maintains openly separatist
organisations in Bulgaria like OMO Ilinden. At the moment this
organisation proudly accounts c. 5 000 people most of of them
being paid to enlist.
That's what a call "commie-type propaganda and behavior"!
Post by stephan.nikolov
Bulgaria has given you tanks and weapons for free
So has done Greece!
Ungrateful FYROM-ians!
Post by stephan.nikolov
Bulgarian literature is being confiscated at your borders as if we were
living in the 1930's Germany or Russia;
Again, that's what I call "commie-type propaganda and behavior"!
And they have the nerve and are not ashamed at all to accuse Greece for lack
Commie-minded bastards!
BTW, tell this to that idiot of Marlock who..."doesn't know anything about
How convenient;-)
Post by stephan.nikolov
Bulgarian journalists are maltreated in FYRoM as if they
are enemy military spies;
Again, that's what I call "commie-type propaganda and behavior"!
Post by stephan.nikolov
every single day there is a material against Bulgaria published in the
FYRoM press;
Against Greece, too...
Post by stephan.nikolov
As for history with all the differences between the "Bulgarian" and the
"Greek" approach one can not miss one simple fact. The FYRoM ideology has
the same aggressive pattern of stealing others historical heritage as
regards both Bulgaria and Greece. I hardly see the differences between
your treatment of Alexander of Macedonia and Samuel of Bulgaria, for
Don't worry, in a couple of years FYROM-ians will beg Greece and Bulgaria to
partition their country and save them from the Albanians;-)
16 years ago
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Very clear presentation of contemporary History and relations in the Balkans.

Thank you,
16 years ago
You are right. Macedoniams (not Fyrom, Macedonia) like to play with the idea
of being connected with the Alexander. Who wouldn't?! Croatians like to
consider emperor Dioclecianus as one of their own, just because he was born
in Dalmatia, and retired near today's Split, even though he had nothing to
do with them:) It's just the way it is. Plus, probably there are some blood
lines in today's Macedonian people that could be traced to the old
inhabitants of the region. In any case, they have more right for that then
the Greeks, for Alexander qonquered Greece.
16 years ago
1. Sure, but Croatians do not appropriate Roman history for that, do they?
2. Even if there is some genetic lineage between the old inhabitants of the
land and modern "Macedonians" the impact of later settlers in the land
should be laso acknowledged - namely -
Slavs, Avars, Kumanians, Ogus, Pechenegs , etc. and did I miss someone - oh,
yes, the Bulgars (and later Bulgarians).
3. One can hardly argue that Macedonians were the predominant population of
what is today FYRoM during Antiquity - so why "Macedonians"but not
"Thracians" or "Dardanians"?
4. But even we disregard 1, 2 and 3 and go further sacrifying history for
the political mythology of a new-born nation, there is one undeniable fact:
at the time ancient Macedonia
disappeared from the political scene , that is at the time of Phillip V,
Macedonia was a fully hellenized country and her people were a vital part of
the Hellenic commonwealth.
16 years ago
Post by stephan.nikolov
1. Sure, but Croatians do not appropriate Roman history for that, do they?
I guess what I am missing is a clear understanding what exactly are the
Macedonians doing regarding the history? From all the chatter from the upset
Greeks, one can hardly understand the facts. Perhaps you could clarify.
Croatians do not assume that they are inheriting the Roman culture, they are
just stating that one can find a lot of Roman remains there, something
archeologist are pretty interested in.
I agree. I would find it hard to connect those to the modern inhabitants of
Macedonia. I just stated there surely there must be some bloodlines
remaining. But that was to answer a completely different issue.
Post by stephan.nikolov
4. But even we disregard 1, 2 and 3 and go further sacrifying history for
the political mythology of a new-born nation, there is one undeniable
fact: at the time ancient Macedonia
disappeared from the political scene , that is at the time of Phillip V,
Macedonia was a fully hellenized country and her people were a vital part
of the Hellenic commonwealth.
Only due to the fact that they subdued the city-states of the south. It was
never the intention of the hellenistic tribes to incorporate the barbarians
form the north.
16 years ago
Precisely. I have been to Croatia, I have worked in Croatian history and
quite a few historians from there.
As for the newly devoleped trend in the Skopje science they preted that they
carry on the heritage
of ancent Macedonia, not only blood-related, but also form a state
tradition, historical, cultural and even
linguistic (according to some)continuation of the ancent Macedonian state.
You may twist it as you like but
before the times of Phillip II the territory of FYRoM was not a part
So, whatever part of modern FYRoM had been annexed by ancient
Macedonia it had fallen under the power of Hellenistic Macedonia.
Your first sentence does not matter and it is only partly correct.
In the moment Phillip II intervened Greek societies were already divided in
their attitude
toward the sence of narrow patriotism and the idea of unity under the
umbrella of a
powerful ruler who would be able to broaden Hellenism. True, Demostenes
found in Phillip II a barbarian from the noth,
but his compatriot Isocrates saw in him the ruler who would spead the
borders of Hellenism.
Well, it was not Demostenes who prevailed.....
Your second sentence is simply untrue.
16 years ago
Well, there was never any real unity, no real Greek nation per se, at least
not in the modern sense.
I guess you could be right about Demosten.
16 years ago
Well, the nations are indeed modern phenomena, so it is not appropriate to
speak of "Greek" (or whatever else) nation for that time.
However, there was a sense of community developing between the inhabitants
of different Greek states and regions.
Pan-Hellenic games, the sanctuary at Delphoi (among other common sacred
places) were powerful tools for establishing such a common identity. The
Persian wars also had their enormous impact on the idea of being Hellene in
addition to local Athenian, Spartan, Corinthian , etc. patriotism. It was
precisely this sense of commonwealth that Alexander exploited leading the
_GREEK_ soldiers in Asia. This not to say, however, that local patriotism
and regional rivalry had been completely dead. It is in this context that
strives between
"Macedonians" and "Greeks" should be seen as well as the _demonstrated_
preference for using local idiom to the koine (often used by revisionist
scholars to demonstrate the "Macedonian language" was different from "Greek
The result achieved, however, is hard to deny: the Hellenistic kingdoms with
their vibrant Greek communities , the spread of Greek literacy, culture and
learning turned "real Greece" to be only a small part of the new Hellenic
commonwealth and Athenians, Beotians and indeed Macedonians, were only small
part of the Greek speaking population in the eastern Mediterranean.
16 years ago
I see your point and can't deny any of that. As I've posted myself, at one
point, the Egyptian culture inherited a lot from the Greek culture, not to
mention Byzantium later on.
Istor the Macedonian
16 years ago
You are philo-truth so you are Philhellene !! ( not offense!)
Krater Makedonski
16 years ago
Really? So, when ancient historians of the stature of Waldemar Heckel, who
writes in his book published as recently as 2004 that the Greeks and
Macedonians were separate entities - ethnically, culturally and
linguistically according to the ancient sources and that is how we should
see them today and has the rest of his book filled with examples that backup
his statement/conclusion , then that evidence according to you is "invalid".

What is your evidence, Mr Philhellene, for your absurd/crazy statement? Why
am I not surprised by your wild unsubstantiated statements. Is it because
you have done this before? Of course you have. Mr Philhellene till death us
do part. :-(

The ancient capital is still in
Post by Martin Edwards
Greece. Nobody but a few kooks disputes that. The regional capital of
Greek Macedonia is Thessaloniki. I am such a lover of the area that I was
once corrected in a Greek class for using accusative for (K) dative rather
than genitive.
I see where you got your "history" lessons from. My, my...

Why should the present inhabitants of one part of
Post by Martin Edwards
it not call it Macedonia? What harm is being done?
The "harm" is actually the unbridled FEAR by the occupiers (from "Black
Athena") of the "other" part, which was illegally occupied/colonised by them
through force in 1912, so now they PANIC that they will lose its ill gained
territory unless the national/ethnic identity of the native population of
Macedonia is forever wiped out. Thus they invented the "name dispute",
simply because of their superior political standpoint (their state is a
member of EU, NATO and has close to 2 centuries of statehood advantage) and
their 2 centuries old unchallenged propaganda for which you are a shining
example of its end products. Never mind, the Macedonians have endured
millennia of occupations, colonisations, oppressions and exterminations and
they have still survived. I assure you, Mr Philhellene and all of your
"Black Athena" "educators" and propagandist here, that we are a much
sturdier lot than your history "educators"/friends from "Black Athena"
envisaged and that we will survive this political irritation, as well.
Post by Martin Edwards
Corporate society looks after everything. All it asks of anyone, all it
has ever asked of anyone, is that they do not interfere with management
decisions. -From “Rollerball”
16 years ago
Post by Krater Makedonski
Really? So, when ancient historians of the stature of Waldemar Heckel,
What about his stature?
Well, you are a living proof for the "harm" ....
Post by Krater Makedonski
Post by Martin Edwards
Corporate society looks after everything. All it asks of anyone, all it
has ever asked of anyone, is that they do not interfere with management
decisions. -From “Rollerball”
16 years ago
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
"Krater Makedonski" <***@optusnet.com.au> wrote in message news:48d0c6bf$0$31803$***@news.optusnet.com.au...

[Lament snipped]

My family roots are from Thessaloniki, the capital of Macedonia.

My shoulder is available for you, any time. Come to papa baby, don't cry!

Martin Edwards
16 years ago
This is bollocks, frankly. Ask Aggi if I am a Philhellene.
Corporate society looks after everything. All it asks of anyone, all it
has ever asked of anyone, is that they do not interfere with management
decisions. -From “Rollerball”
16 years ago
I completely agree. Just to add one point, the Macedonians need no fear from
Greeks, rather from the Albanian 9 children per family policy. I am not
trying to sound negative in any effect, but if this continues, the
Macedonians will sooner or later become a minority in their own country.
16 years ago
Post by Marlock
I completely agree. Just to add one point, the Macedonians need no fear
from Greeks, rather from the Albanian 9 children per family policy. I am
not trying to sound negative in any effect, but if this continues, the
Macedonians will sooner or later become a minority in their own country.
Really???!!! What does it mean "their own country". I thought a country was
of all the people living in the land and the Albanians have ALWAYS (if we
the popular thesis that they have originated from the Illyrians) been there.
The country is as much theirs as of these Tito engineered "Macedonians".
Moreover, ever since
the _country_ in question, came to life the Albanians have always formed a
solid large minority ...
16 years ago
LOL, consider your own country, then take a solid minority in your country,
then consider that they have around 7 to 9 children per family, wereas
majority has 1 to 2. In 50 years, who will be a majority. How will this
effect the culture, official language, relationships in the country. It's
nice to be democratic, but it's hard to imagine this sort of democracy in
your own place. I do not necessarily see the problems, however, I do not
need to, since the problems among Albanians and Macedonians are already
there. That's what I was aiming to.
16 years ago
There are two different issues here.
1. Culture and language, even religion change. This change is normal part of
A majority once can become a minority - look at the fate of the Turks in the
All that matters is the adaptivity of the state to the changing
condititions - demography is part of that.

2. While writing the lines above I was doing precisely that: considering the
situation in my own country.
In the 9 th century the Bulgar aristocracy accepted Christianity that
changed comletely their culture , customs and mantality.
It must be noted that doing that the Bulgar elite surrendered to the
religion of their traditional enemy - Byzantium and accepted the
religion of their subject population - the Slavs, who had muc more advanced
in Christianity at that time.
Even more - for a generation or two the Bulgars accpted also the Slavonic
liturgy and literacy that came with it and they did it so well
that some 50 years after their conversion, under Simeon, the old pagan
Bulgar clans produced first- class intellectuals who wrote
excellent works that became later literary examples for Russia and Serbia.
Similar trend you might see in the history of Russia where the Norman
aristocracy accepted the "Slavdom" to the extend that later Russia became
the bastion of panslavism.

Why someting that happened in "dark-age", "medieval", "backwords"
"conservative" , etc. societies should not be possible in our "progressive",
"democratic", "enlightened" "modern" etc. world?
As for Bulgaria the situation is similar to the FYRoM for we have also a
rapidly multiplying minority - it is the Roma minority. As far as I know
there is no country that has succeded to fully integrate the Roma people
into society. Or am I wrong?
16 years ago
Post by stephan.nikolov
Why someting that happened in "dark-age", "medieval", "backwords"
"conservative" , etc. societies should not be possible in our
"progressive", "democratic", "enlightened" "modern" etc. world?
As for Bulgaria the situation is similar to the FYRoM for we have also a
rapidly multiplying minority - it is the Roma minority. As far as I know
there is no country that has succeded to fully integrate the Roma people
into society. Or am I wrong?
Of course you are wrong, that country is FYROM, the bastion of democracy;-)
16 years ago
You are right. But you've been using the wrong example. What were the
historical reasons for adopting Christianity. You have to look at the
geopolitical situation of the time to understand why one would adopt a new
religious system. Why did the Rome at one point adopt Christianity as an
only state religion? Why did the Francs? In case of Macedonia, I see now
necessity of adopting the Islam, if that's what you are refering to.

Btw, Turks were never dominant in Balkans, people who adopted Islam did it
to avoid taxes.
16 years ago
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Or save their heads! Capital tax?!!

16 years ago
Post by Marlock
You are right. But you've been using the wrong example. What were the
historical reasons for adopting Christianity. You have to look at the
geopolitical situation of the time to understand why one would adopt a new
religious system. Why did the Rome at one point adopt Christianity as an
only state religion? Why did the Francs? In case of Macedonia, I see now
necessity of adopting the Islam, if that's what you are refering to.
Well, in a way Christianity was what is now "open society" and "democracy"
and "market economy" -
influential and popular ideology related to power which makes my example all
the more valid.
In fact not all the Albanians in FYRoM are Muslims and I can hardly see the
reason for any
state religion to be imposed on that state. (or any state, for thaat
matter). In this sense Skopje's desperate pursuit for
"authocephalous Orthodox Church" that as led to nothing but the schisma from
Orthodox Church and the appearance of several (three if I am not wrong)
Orthodox churches there seems a rather silly exercise. Look at neighboring
Albania - there
is no state religion there, if I recall it correct.
Post by Marlock
Btw, Turks were never dominant in Balkans, people who adopted Islam did it
to avoid taxes.
I make clear distinction between "Turks" and "Muslims" as regards the
Balkans as well
as I do not equate the Ottoman empire with Turkey. And sometimes I am
criticized for that both in here and in the soc.culture.bulgaria.
It is true, however, that the Turkish population as well as all other
Muslims in the empire saw the Ottoman empire as "their own country"
(in your words) that was not the case with the Christian subjects of the
As for the islamisation processes in the Balkans the picture is much more
complex than that. We have waves of forceful islamisation,
we have transfers of populations resulting in engulfing pockets of Christian
population, we have the tax-avoiding islamisation too
16 years ago
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
What are you suggesting? Castrate 9 out of 10 Albanians in FYROM?

16 years ago
"Panayiotis" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:gb00oa$1bj$***@volcano1.grnet.gr...
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
What are you suggesting? Castrate 9 out of 10 Albanians in FYROM?


Of course not! What, are you crazy?!!! Nobody today in Macedonia knows what
to do about this issue. It is also a problem for the Albanian minority as
well. I am just pointing out that Macedonia has more burning issues apart
from Greeks being stubborn with the name.
Spirit of Truth
16 years ago
Post by Panayiotis
What are you suggesting? Castrate 9 out of 10 Albanians in FYROM?
Of course not! What, are you crazy?!!! Nobody today in Macedonia knows
what to do about this issue. It is also a problem for the Albanian
minority as well. I am just pointing out that Macedonia has more burning
issues apart from Greeks being stubborn with the name.
Isn't it time to stop your nonsense?

You only have to look here to see that the Fyrom Slavic majority are simply
West Bulgarians and have no connection to 'Macedonia' anything:

In a letter to Prof. Marin Drinov of May 25, 1888 Kuzman Shapkarev writes:
"But even stranger is the name Macedonians, which was imposed on us only 10
to 15 years ago by outsiders, and not as something by our own
intellectuals... Yet the people in Macedonia know nothing of that ancient
name, reintroduced today with a cunning aim on the one hand and a stupid one
on the other. They know the older word: "Bugari", although mispronounced:
they have even adopted it as peculiarly theirs, inapplicable to other
Bulgarians. You can find more about this in the introduction to the booklets
I am sending you. They call their own Macedono-Bulgarian dialect the
"Bugarski language", while the rest of the Bulgarian dialects they refer to
as the "Shopski language". (Makedonski pregled, IX, 2, 1934, p. 55; the
original letter is kept in the Marin Drinov Museum in Sofia, and it is
available for examination and study)
Here is the text in the original:

"No pochudno e imeto Makedonci, koeto naskoro, edvay predi 10-15 godini, ni
natrapiha i to otvqn, a ne kakto nyakoi mislyat ot samata nasha
inteligenciya... Narodqt obache v Makedoniya ne znae nishto za tova
arhaichesko, a dnes, s lukava cel ot edna strana, s glupeshka ot druga,
podnoveno prozvishte; toy si znae postaroto: Bugari, makar i nepravilno
proiznasyano, daje osvoyava si go kato sobstveno i preimushtestveno svoe,
nejeli za drugite Bqlgari. Za tova shte vidite i v predgovora na izpratenite
mi knijici. Toy naricha Bugarski ezik svoeto Makaedono-bqlgarsko narechie,
kogato drugite bqlgarski narechiya naricha Shopski."

And here:

Reference source for Gotse Delchev's numerous utterings of 'We are


Even Gotse Delchev, the famous Macedonian revolutionary leader, whose nom de
guerre was Ahil (Achilles), refers to "the Slavs of Macedonia as
'Bulgarians' in an offhanded manner without seeming to indicate that such a
designation was a point of contention" (Perry 1988:23).
In his correspondence Gotse Delchev often states clearly and simply, "We are
Bulgarians" (MacDermott 1978:192,273).

And here, Bulgar,

For fair use only.


" Considering the critical and terrible situation that the Bulgarian
population of the Bitola Vilayet found itself in and following the ravages
and cruelties done by the Turkish troops and irregulars, ... considering
the fact that everything Bulgarian runs the risk of perishing and
disappearing without a trace because of violence, hunger, and the upcoming
misery, the Head Quarters finds it to be its obligation to draw the
attention of the respected Bulgarian government to the pernicious
consequences vis-a-vis the Bulgarian nation, in case the latter does not
fulfill its duty towards its brethren of race here in an imposing fashion
which is necessary by virtue of the present ordeal for the common Bulgarian

...Being in command of our people's movement, we appeal to you on behalf of
the enslaved Bulgarian to help him in the most effective way - by waging
war.We believe that the response of the people in free Bulgaria will be the

... No bulgarian school is opened, neither will it be opened... Nobody
thinks of education when he is outlawed by the state because he bears the
name Bulgar...

Waiting for your patriotic intervention, we are pleased to inform you that
we have in our disposition the armed forces we have spared by now.

The Head Quarters of the Ilinden Uprising"


This memorandum was handed to Dr.Kozhuharov, the Bulgarian consul in Bitola,
and transmitted by him to the government in Sofia with report N441 from
September 17th, 1903. "

from: Spirit of Truth

(using June's e-mail to communicate to you)!
16 years ago
Fair enough, I can not deny this. But you are not fair in refering to
Macedonians as purely west Bulgarians. Although once they themselves used to
refer to them selves as a part of a larger Slavic group, in the mean time
their national felling evolved, and now they truly are Macedonians, with a
separate culture, history and language. Same goes to some other nations in
the region, and I suppose you could tell the same for most of the countries
of the so-called New World.

Regarding the Macedonians stealing Greek culture, could you be specific.
Give a few examples. A flag is a good example, what else?

As you can see, I except good solid arguments.

:) Btw, I've realised that some of you got upset, although it might seem so,
this wasn't my intention at all. Spirit of Truth has started making sense.
16 years ago
Post by Marlock
Fair enough, I can not deny this. But you are not fair in refering to
Macedonians as purely west Bulgarians. Although once they themselves used
to refer to them selves as a part of a larger Slavic group, in the mean
time their national felling evolved, and now they truly are Macedonians,
with a separate culture, history and language. Same goes to some other
nations in the region, and I suppose you could tell the same for most of
the countries of the so-called New World.
Well, the point is where this history of theirs begins and why are you
afraid to call the things with their real names -
that is some hundred years ago the Slav Macedonians were Bulgarians.
They identified as Bulgarians and they were recognized by outsiders as such.
These men fought for the right to have Bulgarian education and to have
Bulgarian church.
Why the need to extend a fictional "Macedonian" history backwards or to move
modern notions and names back in time?
Moreover, the words of Shapkarev, a Macedonian Bulgarian himslef, quoted by
above make it all clear that Macedonism was a doctrine that came from
outside and was imposed by ousiders.
Get this right, noone tries to convince today Slavic speaking population of
FYRoM that they are NOW Bulgarians. More than century long propaganda had
done its work. The Yugoslav state of Macedonia persecuted anyone who
declared they were Bulgarians for high treason, Bulgarian literature is
still strongly discouraged to be brought in or sold in FYRoM. Generation
after generation ot educated in schools in history that substitutes the term
"Bulgarian" with "Macedonian" for the whole medieval and Ottoman periods.
So, the Bulgarian king Samuel appears "Macedonian" king in the late 10th and
early 11th century despite the fact that his archenemy the Byzantine emperor
Basil II was named "the Bulgar slayer". Examples go on and on.
Post by Marlock
Regarding the Macedonians stealing Greek culture, could you be specific.
Give a few examples. A flag is a good example, what else?
The Greeks here can give you plenty of examples. I will give you one single
example about "Macedonains" stealing Bulgarian culture
and I believe it is enough to state the case.
In 1861 two local brothers, from Struga (near Ochrid, modern FYRoM)
published a small book with collected folk songs from the land.
The title reads: "Bulgarian Folk Songs". Every single edition of the same
book in Skopjeland bears the title "Macedonian folk songs".
The Struga Poetry Readings dedicated to the two brothers calls the Miladinov
brothers as "Macedonian national heroes".
Post by Marlock
As you can see, I except good solid arguments.
:) Btw, I've realised that some of you got upset, although it might seem
so, this wasn't my intention at all. Spirit of Truth has started making
16 years ago
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
What about Czar Samuil? Is he a hero only for a part of the population, and
the state has denounced him?
Post by Marlock
Same goes to some other nations in the region,
Can you name some of them?
Post by Marlock
and I suppose you could tell the same for most of the countries of the
so-called New World.
Regarding the Macedonians stealing Greek culture, could you be specific.
Give a few examples. A flag is a good example, what else?
Good example? Their former President Kiro Gligorov is very revealing:
Also the first president of FYROM president Mr. Kiro Gligorov confirmed
twice that they are not related to the ancient Macedonians:

"We are Slavs who came to this area in the sixth century ... we are not
descendants of the ancient Macedonians."
(from the Foreign Information Service Daily Report, Eastern Europe, February
26, 1992, p. 35. )

"We are Macedonians but we are Slav Macedonians. That's who we are! We have
no connection to Alexander the Greek and his Macedonia. The ancient
Macedonians no longer exist, they had disappeared from history long time
ago. Our ancestors came here in the 5th and 6th century (A.D)."
(from the Toronto Star newspaper, March 15, 1992)

Another one. Could you check what relation there is between the "Manaki"
motion picture award in FYROM, with the two Greek brothers Manakia. Just
because they were born in Macedonia, before it was liberated from the
Post by Marlock
As you can see, I except good solid arguments.
:) Btw, I've realised that some of you got upset, although it might seem
so, this wasn't my intention at all. Spirit of Truth has started making
16 years ago
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Another one. Could you check what relation there is between the "Manaki"
motion picture award in FYROM, with the two Greek brothers Manakia. Just
because they were born in Macedonia, before it was liberated from the
A "strange" thing about them:
1) we Greeks consider them Greek.
2) FYROM-ians consider them...FYROM-ians!
3) Romanians consider them Vlahs/Aromanian thus...Romanian!
Poor Manaki brothers, they would laugh if they were alive;-)
Or maybe cry...
16 years ago

You said you will stay out of this conversation, please do.
16 years ago
Post by Marlock
You said you will stay out of this conversation, please do.
Get lost you fascist!
I *never* said that I'll stay out of this conversation, I said that I'll not
answer to *YOU*!
F***g LIAR!
BTW, still afraid to admit your ignorance and filthy character?
What a LOSER!
E' mai possibile, oh porco di un cane, che le avventure
in codesto reame debban risolversi tutte con grandi
puttane! F.d.A

Coins, travels and more:
16 years ago

LOLZ what a creap!
16 years ago
Post by Panayiotis
Post by Marlock
Same goes to some other nations in the region,
Can you name some of them?
Slovenia. The national movement started pretty late.
There you go!!! So WHY DO THE GREEKS CAUSE TROUBLE!!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!!!!
Istor the Macedonian
16 years ago
On 21 Σεπτ, 19:55, "Marlock" <***@gmail.com> wrote:
Post by Marlock
Post by Panayiotis
"We are Macedonians but we are Slav Macedonians. That's who we are! We have
no connection to Alexander the Greek and his Macedonia. The ancient
Macedonians no longer exist, they had disappeared from history long time
ago. Our ancestors came here in the 5th and 6th century (A.D)."
(from the Toronto Star newspaper, March 15, 1992)
There you go!!! So WHY DO THE GREEKS CAUSE TROUBLE!!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!!!!
Because SlavoSkopians want to be named Macedonians and thus they want
to monopolize the name of Macedonia.
16 years ago
"Istor the Macedonian" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:64c58949-42ea-4ff9-bb8a-***@25g2000hsx.googlegroups.com...
On 21 Óåðô, 19:55, "Marlock" <***@gmail.com> wrote:
Post by Marlock
Post by Panayiotis
"We are Macedonians but we are Slav Macedonians. That's who we are! We have
no connection to Alexander the Greek and his Macedonia. The ancient
Macedonians no longer exist, they had disappeared from history long time
ago. Our ancestors came here in the 5th and 6th century (A.D)."
(from the Toronto Star newspaper, March 15, 1992)
There you go!!! So WHY DO THE GREEKS CAUSE TROUBLE!!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!!!!
Because SlavoSkopians want to be named Macedonians and thus they want
to monopolize the name of Macedonia.

How can they monopolize a name of the Greek province? How can anybody do
such a thing?
16 years ago
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Say hello to AndyToole1

16 years ago
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Marlock
Post by Panayiotis
Post by Marlock
Same goes to some other nations in the region,
Can you name some of them?
Slovenia. The national movement started pretty late.
You named only one. There is a difference between "one" and "some"!
Ask the FYROMians, if they abide by what their former President said.

Spirit of Truth
16 years ago
Martin, you have kept your static point of view for a very long time.
It is time for you to confront the fact that Fyrom was not the area of the
ancient Macedonians, or of ancient Macedonia and that the Fyromians
are attempting to steal the history and heritage of the Greeks. Also,
that they are actually West Bulgarians but because of racism they
are involved in this falsiying of their own history.

(Not sure if all the links below are still working but you have the text
to review).

The real Macedonia:


Failed to load image: http://www.unet.com.mk/oldmacedonianmaps/stmapi/mapa3.jpg


Failed to load image: http://crystalinks.com/mapgreeceancient.gif

The Dardanians, Paeonians, and Illyrians are shown below, and those
are the ancient inhabitants of the Fyrom area....NOT ancient


Failed to load image: http://www.unet.com.mk/oldmacedonianmaps/stmapi/mapa4.jpg

One only has to look below to see that the current Fyrom Slavic majority
are simply West Bulgarians and have no connection to 'Macedonia' anything:

In a letter to Prof. Marin Drinov of May 25, 1888 Kuzman Shapkarev writes:
"But even stranger is the name Macedonians, which was imposed on us only 10
to 15 years ago by outsiders, and not as something by our own
intellectuals... Yet the people in Macedonia know nothing of that ancient
name, reintroduced today with a cunning aim on the one hand and a stupid one
on the other. They know the older word: "Bugari", although mispronounced:
they have even adopted it as peculiarly theirs, inapplicable to other
Bulgarians. You can find more about this in the introduction to the booklets
I am sending you. They call their own Macedono-Bulgarian dialect the
"Bugarski language", while the rest of the Bulgarian dialects they refer to
as the "Shopski language". (Makedonski pregled, IX, 2, 1934, p. 55; the
original letter is kept in the Marin Drinov Museum in Sofia, and it is
available for examination and study)
Here is the text in the original:

"No pochudno e imeto Makedonci, koeto naskoro, edvay predi 10-15 godini, ni
natrapiha i to otvqn, a ne kakto nyakoi mislyat ot samata nasha
inteligenciya... Narodqt obache v Makedoniya ne znae nishto za tova
arhaichesko, a dnes, s lukava cel ot edna strana, s glupeshka ot druga,
podnoveno prozvishte; toy si znae postaroto: Bugari, makar i nepravilno
proiznasyano, daje osvoyava si go kato sobstveno i preimushtestveno svoe,
nejeli za drugite Bqlgari. Za tova shte vidite i v predgovora na izpratenite
mi knijici. Toy naricha Bugarski ezik svoeto Makaedono-bqlgarsko narechie,
kogato drugite bqlgarski narechiya naricha Shopski."

And here:

Reference source for Gotse Delchev's numerous utterings of 'We are


Even Gotse Delchev, the famous Macedonian revolutionary leader, whose nom de
guerre was Ahil (Achilles), refers to "the Slavs of Macedonia as
'Bulgarians' in an offhanded manner without seeming to indicate that such a
designation was a point of contention" (Perry 1988:23).
In his correspondence Gotse Delchev often states clearly and simply, "We are
Bulgarians" (MacDermott 1978:192,273).

And here:

For fair use only.


" Considering the critical and terrible situation that the Bulgarian
population of the Bitola Vilayet found itself in and following the ravages
and cruelties done by the Turkish troops and irregulars, ... considering
the fact that everything Bulgarian runs the risk of perishing and
disappearing without a trace because of violence, hunger, and the upcoming
misery, the Head Quarters finds it to be its obligation to draw the
attention of the respected Bulgarian government to the pernicious
consequences vis-a-vis the Bulgarian nation, in case the latter does not
fulfill its duty towards its brethren of race here in an imposing fashion
which is necessary by virtue of the present ordeal for the common Bulgarian

...Being in command of our people's movement, we appeal to you on behalf of
the enslaved Bulgarian to help him in the most effective way - by waging
war.We believe that the response of the people in free Bulgaria will be the

... No Bulgarian school is opened, neither will it be opened... Nobody
thinks of education when he is outlawed by the state because he bears the
name Bulgar...

Waiting for your patriotic intervention, we are pleased to inform you that
we have in our disposition the armed forces we have spared by now.

The Head Quarters of the Ilinden Uprising"


This memorandum was handed to Dr.Kozhuharov, the Bulgarian consul in Bitola,

and transmitted by him to the government in Sofia with report N441 from
September 17th, 1903. "

from: Spirit of Truth

(using June's e-mail to communicate to you)!
16 years ago
What part of Greek culture are they trying to steal? Homer? Troy? Or is it
maybe the Olimp? Nope, they are just saying that the guy who was born where
they live now was born where they lived know. The guy who ancient Greeks
feard and disliked, the area which in majority (as I've stated in my first
post), majority cases considered not to be a part of the helenistic tribes,
not a part their culture, people, teritory. So how can anyone be stealing

If you are claiming that the Solun is a capital of the part of Greece called
Macedonia, and therefore should have the right to claim territory of any
other entity called Macedonia, due to the historical reasons, then I see no
reason why London should not confront Paris in claiming Brettany, as it used
to be an integral part of Britain is past times, when the landlords who
ruled Britain had majority of their estates in Brettany and Normandy!
16 years ago
Post by Marlock
What part of Greek culture are they trying to steal? Homer? Troy? Or is it
maybe the Olimp?
Not the Olympian gods but certainly...Olympus!
Because as they have territorial claims until mount...Olympus;-)
Post by Marlock
Nope, they are just saying that the guy who was born where they live now
was born where they lived know.
Alexander the Great was *NOT* born in today's FYROM!
Post by Marlock
The guy who ancient Greeks feard and disliked, the area which in majority
(as I've stated in my first post), majority cases considered not to be a
part of the helenistic tribes, not a part their culture, people, teritory.
Ancient historians/geographers prove you wrong!
"There remain of Europe, first, Macedonia and the parts of Thrace that are
contiguous to it and extend as far as Byzantium; secondly, Greece; and
thirdly, the islands that are close by. Macedonia, of course, is a part of
Greece". Strabo, VII, Frg. 9 (Loeb, H.L. Jones)
"After having described as much of the western parts of Europe as is
comprised within the interior and exterior seas, and surveyed all the
barbarous nations which it contains, as far as the Don and a small part of
Greece, [namely, Macedonia,]2 we propose to give an account of the remainder
of the Helladic geography." (Strabo, Geography, Book VIII 8, 1)
"For in the days of king Deucalion it inhabited the land of Phthiotis, then
in the time of Dorus son of Helen the country called Histiaean, under Ossa
and Olympus; driven by the Cadmeans from this Histiaean country it settled
about Pindus in the parts called Macedonian; thence again it migrated to
Dryopia, and at last came from Dryopia into Peloponnesus, where it took the
name of Dorian". Herodotus I, 56, 3 (Loeb, A.D. Godley).
"This is a sworn treaty made between us, Hannibal.. and Xenophanes the
Athenian... in the presence of all the gods who possess Macedonia and the
rest of Greece". The Histories of Polybius, VII, 9, 4 (Loeb, W. R. Paton)
Post by Marlock
If you are claiming that the Solun
Now *this* is bad faith and a proof that you are siding with the FYROM-ians!
Why you insist using the slav name and not the *historical* name and the
name that it is used today by its actual inhabitants!
Sorry but I think that -at least to me- your motivation is quite clear by
Post by Marlock
is a capital of the part of Greece called Macedonia, and therefore should
have the right to claim territory of any other entity called Macedonia,
due to the historical reasons, then I see no reason why London should not
confront Paris in claiming Brettany, as it used to be an integral part of
Britain is past times, when the landlords who ruled Britain had majority
of their estates in Brettany and Normandy!
1) Greece is claiming no territories by anyone.
2) bad example, it's not the same thing!
But Paris objected the adherence of "Great Britain" in the EU under this
name and succeeded to adopt the name "United Kingdom"!
So there is precedence!
16 years ago

England could never enter the EU as Great Britain, simply because that's not
the full name of the country, you schumck, French had nothing to do with it!

Macedonia and Macedonias is THE name that the today's people use, everybody
in World except the Greeks of course!
16 years ago
Thank you for showing your true colors and how 'civilized" you are!
Good luck and take care of your attitude problem.

Read on the case if you are capable for: UK tried to adhere with that
name and France *indeed* objected the name and succeeded, like it or not!
Get educated!
Post by Marlock
Macedonia and Macedonias is THE name that the today's people use,
everybody in World except the Greeks of course!
Good for them my little Skopian, don't get angry and harm yourself;-)
Soon you will see what will be the international name of FYROM;-)
Just wait and see...
16 years ago
Post by Marlock
If you are claiming that the Solun is a capital of the part of Greece
called Macedonia, and therefore should have the right to claim territory
of any other entity called Macedonia, due to the historical reasons, then
I see no reason why London should not confront Paris in claiming Brettany,
as it used to be an integral part of Britain is past times, when the
landlords who ruled Britain had majority of their estates in Brettany and
Au contraire, mon ami - it is all the way round. The British queen should be
a vassal of Paris for it was
a vassal of the French king who conquered England :)))
16 years ago
Normans weren't French kings:) LOLZ!!! But whatever, the point is the same.
16 years ago
Noone argues they were. I was simply saying that William the Conqerer was a
French duke , that is a vassal of the French king when he conqered England.
16 years ago
True, he was supported by Henry the First. And if you look at the time
before the Invasion, you had three claims for the English Throne. All had
solid reasons, if you ask them. William's claim was bloodrelated. That's my
point. It has nothing to do with the culture or the fact that English and
French would be the same people. The same goes to the Greeks and
Spirit of Truth
16 years ago
I guess you couldn'y open the links. REAL Macedonia is the region of
Greece. Fyrom is the area of the ancient Paeonians, Illyrians and

Get real.
Again, no Greece is not claiming Fyrom area. FYROM area is NOT
the area of real Macedonia. They are trying to call their country
'Macedonia' which it ISN'T.

Do you get it yet?

Spirit of Truth
Istor the Macedonian
16 years ago
On 17 Σεπτ, 10:44, Martin Edwards <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
The historical Macedonians were Greeks.  The ancient capital is still in
If SlavoSkopians write this in FYROM's constitution we will call them
16 years ago
"Istor the Macedonian" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:e7c509ae-6af5-4f14-bdc3-***@m73g2000hsh.googlegroups.com...
On 17 Óåðô, 10:44, Martin Edwards <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
The historical Macedonians were Greeks. The ancient capital is still in
If SlavoSkopians write this in FYROM's constitution we will call them

But they can't since the historical Macedonians weren't Greeks. A so called
proof that some people are posting around here is saying: "And of course,
the Macedonians are Greeks". No what sort of a proof is this?
Istor the Macedonian
16 years ago
Post by Istor the Macedonian
The historical Macedonians were Greeks. The ancient capital is still in
If SlavoSkopians write this in FYROM's constitution we will call them
But they can't since the historical Macedonians weren't Greeks. A so called
proof that some people are posting around here is saying: "And of course,
the Macedonians are Greeks". No what sort of a proof is this?
Well, what document, argument or data would be such a proof for you?
16 years ago
Post by Istor the Macedonian
The historical Macedonians were Greeks. The ancient capital is still in
If SlavoSkopians write this in FYROM's constitution we will call them
But they can't since the historical Macedonians weren't Greeks. A so called
proof that some people are posting around here is saying: "And of course,
the Macedonians are Greeks". No what sort of a proof is this?
Well, what document, argument or data would be such a proof for you?

Well, some say that the hellenistic tribes came first, and the northern
tribes a lot of time later... how about something to contradict this and
explain that actually all tribes have the same background?
16 years ago
The historical Macedonians died out from history as Greeks, so who came
first, what the founders of the ancient Macedon were, etc.
does not really matter. The history of ancient Macedonia ever since
Alexander the Philhellene is history of a contiunued effort to act
within the framework of the Hellenic states and to be recognized as one of
them. For various reason this Macedonian approach was
opposed by some other Greek contemporaries but after Alexander III noone
questioned the Hellenic essence of Macedon anymore.
Even more, it was precisely Macedonia that pushed the borders of Hellenism
far beyond the narrow limits of the Greek city-states
and with Alexander III the Hellenistic epoch in ancient history began.
16 years ago
16 years ago
He asks for "proof" but when many references from various ancient historians
(Strabo, Herodotus, Pausanias, etc) clearly stating that Macedonians were
Greek were presented to him, he didn't even comment on them!
Now AFAIK references from ancient sources are the best "proof" for a given
matter, so one wonders why this little uneducated propagandist disregards
Or maybe it's not a surprise at all;-)

Just for refreshing his memory and open his eyes:
"They say that these were the clans collected by Amphiktyon himself in the
Greek assembly... `The Macedonians managed to join and the entire Phocian
race... In my day there were thirty members: six each from Nikopolis,
Macedonia, and Thessaly...". Pausanias, Phokis VIII 2&4 (Loeb, W. Jones)

"But Alexander (I) proving himself to be an Argive, he was judged to be a
Greek; so he contended in the furlong race and ran a dead heat for the first
place". (Herodotus V, 22, 2 (Loeb, A. D. Godley) *note that Alexander I was
a Macedonian athlete at the Olympic games

"Belistiche, a woman from the coast of Macedonia, won with the pair of
foals.. at the hundred and twenty-ninth Olympics". Pausanias, Eleia VIII, 11
(Loeb, W. Jones - H. A. Ormerod);

"And even to the present day the Thracians, Illyrians, and Epeirotes live on
the flanks of the Greeks (though this was still more the case formerly than
now); indeed most of the country that at the present time is indisputably
Greece is held by the barbarians - Macedonia and certain parts of Thessaly
by the Thracians, and the parts above Acarnania and Aetolia by the
Thesproti, the Cassopaei, the Amphilochi, the Molossi, and the Athamanes -
Epeirotic tribes." (Strabo, Geography,book 7,VII,1)

"For in the days of king Deucalion it inhabited the land of Phthiotis, then
in the time of Dorus son of Helen the country called Histiaean, under Ossa
and Olympus; driven by the Cadmeans from this Histiaean country it settled
about Pindus in the parts called Macedonian; thence again it migrated to
Dryopia, and at last came from Dryopia into Peloponnesus, where it took the
name of Dorian". Herodotus I, 56, 3 (Loeb, A.D. Godley).

"Tell your king who sent you how his Greek viceroy of Macedonia has received
you hospitably... " Herodotus V, 20, 4 (Loeb, A.D. Godley)

"Now that these descendants of Perdiccas are Greeks, as they themselves say,
I myself chance to know" Herodotus V, 22, 1 (Loeb, A.D. Godley)

"But Alexander proving himself to be an Argive, he was judged to be a Greek.
So he contended in the furlong race and an a dead heat for the first place".
Herodotus V 22,2 - Loeb. A. d. Godley).
Istor the Macedonian
16 years ago
You haven't answered. The talking is about Macedonians' Greekness. So
what kind of argument, document or data are you looking for?
16 years ago
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Istor the Macedonian
The historical Macedonians were Greeks. The ancient capital is still in
If SlavoSkopians write this in FYROM's constitution we will call them
But they can't since the historical Macedonians weren't Greeks. A so called
proof that some people are posting around here is saying: "And of course,
the Macedonians are Greeks". No what sort of a proof is this?
Strabo, the ancient geographer, makes it crystal clear.
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones]

16 years ago
"Panayiotis" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:gb2col$in7$***@volcano1.grnet.gr...
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Istor the Macedonian
The historical Macedonians were Greeks. The ancient capital is still in
If SlavoSkopians write this in FYROM's constitution we will call them
But they can't since the historical Macedonians weren't Greeks. A so called
proof that some people are posting around here is saying: "And of course,
the Macedonians are Greeks". No what sort of a proof is this?
Strabo, the ancient geographer, makes it crystal clear.
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones]


LOLZ!! Exactly what I am saying. Who da F**k is Strabo, and why should some
ridicilous claims have a foundation, based on some ancient dude who used a
phrase "as we all know"?!?!?!?!?
That's what I am telling you, you can't come up with a real proof, so you
are just digging some shit from the past, that has no value.
16 years ago
What's wrong with you?
You and your comrades don't like certain ancient writers, historians and
Yet, your Krater is citing, and distorting most of the time, what our
ancient historians as well as modern non-Greek historians wrote.

You don'nt like Strabo, you don't like Herodotus, you don't like Thucydides!
Give us a list of whom you like! We will try to please you as much as we

16 years ago
Herodotos and Thucydides?
Btw, I am not a comrade, another proof that all you people know to do when
confronted is to insult
16 years ago
1) He doesn't consider ancient sources "credible"!
2) He asks from us proof that Macedonians were Greek.
3) But he doesn't ask from the FYROM-ians proof that Macedonians were...not

Is this the famous FYROM-ian double standards or just the ignorance of an
16 years ago
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Or, he could ask FYROMians why they consider themselves to be Macedonians!

16 years ago
But as we all could see, his questions are directed only to Greeks...
It's obvious that he has an agenda...
As you may have noticed he *never* answers to posting containing proof from
ancient source, the little idiot came to the point to say "who is Strabo"
and I suppose the same would be his answer regarding Herodotus, etc!
It is well known to us architects/archeologists that the ancient sources are
proven to be at 99% credible.
They led us to find various tombs, ancient artifacts, battlefields,
shipwrecks, etc.
But for this little ignoramus, ancient sources are..."who the hell is Strabo
or Herodotus";-)
What can I say, a real LOSER!
BTW, I asked why he doesn't ask the same proof from the FYROM-ians about
Macedonians not being Greeks, but as you can see he never answered that;-)
I suppose he is embarrassed enough to publicly admit he is a paid
What a joke!
E' mai possibile, oh porco di un cane, che le avventure
in codesto reame debban risolversi tutte con grandi
puttane! F.d.A

Coins, travels and more:
16 years ago
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
One of their gurus, Professor Badian, said: I never said that Macedonians
were not Greeks.


16 years ago

he could ask FYROMians why they consider themselves to be Macedonians!


LOLZ!!!! BECAUSE THEY ARE!!!!! Not Greeks living in the province of
Macedonia, but real Macedonians.
16 years ago
It is not a perversion.
Macedonian people fought for their independce, so I do not see a reason why
someone should be allowed to undermind that according to some ancient
texts... I did not check the writings, but I believe you are right in
claiming that there were those who called Macedonians Greeks. In those times
there were people who called Macedonians Greeks, and who didn't, depending
on a political climate. But who cares. Once the Americans were British,
South Belgians were French, Norh Irish were Irish and so on and so forth. At
least there is some or many people in Ireland and Belgium who wish to return
to their old country (even if we are talking of centuries of separation),
wereas in Macedonian NOBODY wants to be associated with the Greeks in any
way. This is what matters the most!
16 years ago
Post by Marlock
It is not a perversion.
Macedonian people fought for their independce, so I do not see a reason
why someone should be allowed to undermind that according to some ancient
texts... I did not check the writings, but I believe you are right in
claiming that there were those who called Macedonians Greeks.
"They say that these were the clans collected by Amphiktyon himself in the
Greek assembly... `The Macedonians managed to join and the entire Phocian
race... In my day there were thirty members: six each from Nikopolis,
Macedonia, and Thessaly...". Pausanias, Phokis VIII 2&4 (Loeb, W. Jones)

"But Alexander (I) proving himself to be an Argive, he was judged to be a
Greek; so he contended in the furlong race and ran a dead heat for the first
place". (Herodotus V, 22, 2 (Loeb, A. D. Godley) *note that Alexander I was
a Macedonian athlete at the Olympic games

"Belistiche, a woman from the coast of Macedonia, won with the pair of
foals.. at the hundred and twenty-ninth Olympics". Pausanias, Eleia VIII, 11
(Loeb, W. Jones - H. A. Ormerod);

"And even to the present day the Thracians, Illyrians, and Epeirotes live on
the flanks of the Greeks (though this was still more the case formerly than
now); indeed most of the country that at the present time is indisputably
Greece is held by the barbarians - Macedonia and certain parts of Thessaly
by the Thracians, and the parts above Acarnania and Aetolia by the
Thesproti, the Cassopaei, the Amphilochi, the Molossi, and the Athamanes -
Epeirotic tribes." (Strabo, Geography,book 7,VII,1)

"For in the days of king Deucalion it inhabited the land of Phthiotis, then
in the time of Dorus son of Helen the country called Histiaean, under Ossa
and Olympus; driven by the Cadmeans from this Histiaean country it settled
about Pindus in the parts called Macedonian; thence again it migrated to
Dryopia, and at last came from Dryopia into Peloponnesus, where it took the
name of Dorian". Herodotus I, 56, 3 (Loeb, A.D. Godley).

"Tell your king who sent you how his Greek viceroy of Macedonia has received
you hospitably... " Herodotus V, 20, 4 (Loeb, A.D. Godley)

"Now that these descendants of Perdiccas are Greeks, as they themselves say,
I myself chance to know" Herodotus V, 22, 1 (Loeb, A.D. Godley)

"But Alexander proving himself to be an Argive, he was judged to be a Greek.
So he contended in the furlong race and an a dead heat for the first place".
Herodotus V 22,2 - Loeb. A. d. Godley).
Is that so?!
Konstandinidis and other Greeks from FYROM are claiming that there are as
much as 250.000 Greeks in FYROM!
I personally find this number exaggerated but I wouldn't be surprised if the
actual number would be around 100.000 souls...
Of course they live under the neo-commie terror of the FYROM-ians as the
Konstandinidis cases proved in the past...
16 years ago
Post by gogu
Is that so?!
Konstandinidis and other Greeks from FYROM are claiming that there are as
much as 250.000 Greeks in FYROM!
I personally find this number exaggerated but I wouldn't be surprised if
the actual number would be around 100.000 souls...
half of that might be the right number ........
Post by gogu
Of course they live under the neo-commie terror of the FYROM-ians as the
Konstandinidis cases proved in the past...
16 years ago
Post by stephan.nikolov
Post by gogu
Is that so?!
Konstandinidis and other Greeks from FYROM are claiming that there are as
much as 250.000 Greeks in FYROM!
I personally find this number exaggerated but I wouldn't be surprised if
the actual number would be around 100.000 souls...
half of that might be the right number ........
It could very well be.
As I said, nobody can be sure about their real number and with such a
neo-commie regime and practices in Skopie...
But in any case they are not just a few...hundreds as the "official"
FYROM-ian census indicates...
Fear among FYROM-ian Greeks doesn't let them declare their real ethnic
And this parody of a state wants in the EU!
Post by stephan.nikolov
Post by gogu
Of course they live under the neo-commie terror of the FYROM-ians as the
Konstandinidis cases proved in the past...
16 years ago
Neu-commie terror? Grow up man! :) LOLZ!!!
By the way, this sort of argument, the very exact argument was used by
Hitler before going after Czechoslovakia, Austria, and finally Poland!!!!
Are you suggesting that there are neu-nazis in Greece:)?!! Of course not!
But, be careful! And of course, there must be Greeks leaving in Macedonia
too, but they have to come to tearms with that. No need to disrespect to
country you live in just because you are ethnically connected to a different
16 years ago
Post by Marlock
Post by gogu
Is that so?!
Konstandinidis and other Greeks from FYROM are claiming that there are as
much as 250.000 Greeks in FYROM!
I personally find this number exaggerated but I wouldn't be surprised if
the actual number would be around 100.000 souls...
Of course they live under the neo-commie terror of the FYROM-ians as the
Konstandinidis cases proved in the past...
Neu-commie terror? Grow up man! :) LOLZ!!!
If they say that we are terrorizing and "mistreating" their "brothers" in
Greece, why shouldn't use the same weapon against them?!
I see, you don't like it....
Post by Marlock
By the way, this sort of argument, the very exact argument was used by
Hitler before going after Czechoslovakia, Austria, and finally Poland!!!!
Are you suggesting that there are neu-nazis in Greece:)?!! Of course not!
Of course...YES!
There are *some* neo-nazis in Greece, as well in every other European
But the Skopian government is using commie tactics in propaganda and in
other sectors and if you don't know it that's not my fault!
If not, pray tell how would you call a government that *PROHIBITS* under law
any public discussion about a given subject?!!!
In Skopie *only* designated historians have the right to talk/write about
the "Macedonian Issue"!
How democratic!
Post by Marlock
But, be careful! And of course, there must be Greeks leaving in Macedonia
too, but they have to come to tearms with that. No need to disrespect to
country you live in just because you are ethnically connected to a
different country.
But I suppose the Skopians living in Greece have the right to disrespect the
country they leave (Greece), to file false claims in international
organizations, and so on!
Yep, that's what I call "FYROM-ian justice";-)
And to repeat you...GROW UP;-)
16 years ago
Post by gogu
In Skopie *only* designated historians have the right to talk/write about
the "Macedonian Issue"!
How democratic!
If this is true, it's a shame! The debate should be allowed. I agree that's
not democratic.
Post by gogu
Post by Marlock
But, be careful! And of course, there must be Greeks leaving in Macedonia
too, but they have to come to tearms with that. No need to disrespect to
country you live in just because you are ethnically connected to a
different country.
But I suppose the Skopians living in Greece have the right to disrespect
the country they leave (Greece), to file false claims in international
organizations, and so on!
Yep, that's what I call "FYROM-ian justice";-)
And to repeat you...GROW UP;-)
Do you have any examples of this? And also of terror inside Macedonia? I
have to admit I have no knowledge of this. If this is the case, though, it
should be treated as a separate topic, even more important then the name
16 years ago
Post by Marlock
Post by gogu
In Skopie *only* designated historians have the right to talk/write about
the "Macedonian Issue"!
How democratic!
If this is true, it's a shame! The debate should be allowed. I agree
that's not democratic.
It is true and if you want ask your pals...
Just read their site (name of their association "Rainbow") and you will be
They are describing their life in Greece like hell on earth.
The truth is that they have exactly the same rights as any other Greek; they
just want to create problems and show that Greece is maltreating them in
order in the future to make it easier for FYROM to sustain its territorial
claims against Greece.
This is what I call "commie tactics" but they can't convince anyone until
Despite all that their number in Greece remains at around 4.700 souls.
Compare it with the 250.000 or 100.000 or 50.000 Greeks in FYROM and reflect
on that.
Of course if you are capable of such a thing...
Post by Marlock
And also of terror inside Macedonia?
Read about the Konstandinidis case and you will understand.
I have personally met Greeks in Monastir and Ohrid who with fear in their
eyes told me how they are treated by the authorities if they are declaring
their true national identity.
In the cooked census they are forced to declare themselves as...Vlahs!
Post by Marlock
I have to admit I have no knowledge of this. If this is the case, though,
it should be treated as a separate topic, even more important then the
name issue.
In any case, your rude manners in another posting make this the last of my
answers to you.
Adios, fair well and treat that attitude problem of yours.

It was not a surprise you *never* comment on the several ancient sources
provided by me and other proving:
1) The Greekness of the ancient Macedonians
2) The fact that their land was considered part of Greece!
Liars and provocateurs always run in front of hard evidences;-)

Have a nice day!
16 years ago
You are a tipical example of a person that can not withstand a criticism. I
understand that's it's hard to change ones mind, but you fella go far beyond
just stoping to communicate.

..."ask your pals"... what does that mean, I disagree with you and all of a
sudden I am a part of the terrorist organisation.

You are an imbecil, clearly.
16 years ago
I can stand constructive criticism but I am against low educated trash using
expressions such "you schumck", "You are an imbecilE".
Such childish insults will no make stronger your (non) arguments.
You are calling me names and when I demonstrate that you are wrong you are
not even man enough to say "mea culpa"!
There, that's your character and the proof of who can't stand criticism!
As for commenting on the subject and sources, well, you prefer insults!
How typical of you!
Pathetic, pathetic...

BTW, "imbecile" needs one "e" at the end...
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