Hunza : stealers in Bulgarian
(too old to reply)
Istor the Macedonian
2008-07-13 21:50:43 UTC
says Suda, the byzantine Greek Enc.


So, Hunza people and SlavoSkopians (as Bulgarians) were neighbors,
sometimes in the past!

I have searched for the term in http://www.stoa.org/sol/ but had no
success. Apparently online Suda is not completed yet.

Poor you SlavoSkopians !!
2008-07-13 22:10:20 UTC
Post by Istor the Macedonian
says Suda, the byzantine Greek Enc.
So, Hunza people and SlavoSkopians (as Bulgarians) were neighbors,
sometimes in the past!
I have searched for the term inhttp://www.stoa.org/sol/but had no
success. Apparently online Suda is not completed yet.
Poor you SlavoSkopians !!

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2008-07-13 22:32:18 UTC
Post by Istor the Macedonian
says Suda, the byzantine Greek Enc.
So, Hunza people and SlavoSkopians (as Bulgarians) were neighbors,
sometimes in the past!
Actually, the Bulgars were from Central Asia / Near East while the
Hunzas are an incredibly intermarried people formed out of their
original transhumant semi settled people, of all their neighbors plus
certain of Alexander the Great's conquering armies. So, since Alexander
had Greek mercenaries working for him, the possibility exists that these
people might even have a little Greek blood.

Post by Istor the Macedonian
I have searched for the term in http://www.stoa.org/sol/ but had no
success. Apparently online Suda is not completed yet.
Poor you SlavoSkopians !!
Whatever are you on about. there are no such people
Istor the Macedonian
2008-07-14 12:54:33 UTC
Post by ++
Post by Istor the Macedonian
says Suda, the byzantine Greek Enc.
So, Hunza people and SlavoSkopians (as Bulgarians) were neighbors,
sometimes in the past!
Actually, the Bulgars were from Central Asia / Near East while the
Hunzas are an incredibly intermarried people formed out of their
original transhumant semi settled people, of all their neighbors plus
certain of Alexander the Great's conquering armies. So, since Alexander
had Greek mercenaries working for him, the possibility exists that these
people might even have a little Greek blood.
First, blood and dna are not related to ethnicity, at least within a
race, right?

Hunza people have SlavoSkopian blood (if) because SlavoSkopians (then
Bulgarioans) and Hunza were neighbors.
How do you know that they have no Greek blood? And, are Hunza the ONLY
people of Pakistan who have no Greek blood?
Post by ++
Post by Istor the Macedonian
I have searched for the term inhttp://www.stoa.org/sol/but had ...........
Whatever are you on about. there are no such people
Open your eyes to see them.
Istor the Macedonian
2008-07-15 17:09:07 UTC
Post by Istor the Macedonian
says Suda, the byzantine Greek Enc.
So, Hunza people and SlavoSkopians (as Bulgarians) were neighbors,
sometimes in the past!
I have searched for the term inhttp://www.stoa.org/sol/but had no
success. Apparently online Suda is not completed yet.
Poor you SlavoSkopians !!
Stephan you haven't said nothing about this!
2008-07-15 22:47:49 UTC
Post by Istor the Macedonian
says Suda, the byzantine Greek Enc.
So, Hunza people and SlavoSkopians (as Bulgarians) were neighbors,
sometimes in the past!
I have searched for the term inhttp://www.stoa.org/sol/but had no
success. Apparently online Suda is not completed yet.
Poor you SlavoSkopians !!
Stephan you haven't said nothing about this!
Because I have replied in another thread:
Re: To Galina Re: Hunza Shamanism and Hunza diet
[too long to be reposted]
Nec vitia nostra nec remedia pati possumus ......
Istor the Macedonian
2008-07-16 12:41:36 UTC
Post by S_N
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Poor you SlavoSkopians !!
Stephan you haven't said nothing about this!
Re: To Galina Re: Hunza Shamanism and Hunza diet
Post by S_N
So, do (should) SlavoSkopians know that Bulgarians and Hunza were
2008-07-16 16:22:27 UTC
Post by S_N
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Poor you SlavoSkopians !!
Stephan you haven't said nothing about this!
Re: To Galina Re: Hunza Shamanism and Hunza diet
Post by S_N
So, do (should) SlavoSkopians know that Bulgarians and Hunza were
They do not care, really. What is important for them is the fact that the
claim to be descendants of Alexander's sodiers and what they are trying to
achieve it to get recognition b the Hunza people as descendants of th
Macedonians. This is merely a move of diplomacy.
I expect their next move will be to invite someone from Egypt to get
for being relatives of Cleopatra....
2008-07-16 16:42:45 UTC
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Post by S_N
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Poor you SlavoSkopians !!
Stephan you haven't said nothing about this!
Re: To Galina Re: Hunza Shamanism and Hunza diet
Post by S_N
So, do (should) SlavoSkopians know that Bulgarians and Hunza were
They do not care, really. What is important for them is the fact that
the Hunza
claim to be descendants of Alexander's sodiers and what they are trying to
achieve it to get recognition b the Hunza people as descendants of th
Macedonians. This is merely a move of diplomacy.
I expect their next move will be to invite someone from Egypt to get
for being relatives of Cleopatra....
The Macedonians already have a people, Egiptani, living in their nation,
who internationally claim Egyptian ancestry and Alexandrine ancestry in
connection with being Macedonian. I know that Greece has a few
Egiptani. Does Bulgaria?
2008-07-16 18:51:36 UTC
Post by S_N
They do not care, really. What is important for them is the fact that the
claim to be descendants of Alexander's sodiers and what they are trying to
achieve it to get recognition b the Hunza people as descendants of th
Macedonians. This is merely a move of diplomacy.
I expect their next move will be to invite someone from Egypt to get
for being relatives of Cleopatra....
The Macedonians already have a people, Egiptani, living in their nation,
who internationally claim Egyptian ancestry and Alexandrine ancestry in
connection with being Macedonian. I know that Greece has a few Egiptani.
Does Bulgaria?
Are you speaking of the Gypsies?
2008-07-16 23:39:58 UTC
Post by S_N
Post by S_N
They do not care, really. What is important for them is the fact that
the Hunza
claim to be descendants of Alexander's sodiers and what they are trying to
achieve it to get recognition b the Hunza people as descendants of th
Macedonians. This is merely a move of diplomacy.
I expect their next move will be to invite someone from Egypt to get
for being relatives of Cleopatra....
The Macedonians already have a people, Egiptani, living in their
nation, who internationally claim Egyptian ancestry and Alexandrine
ancestry in connection with being Macedonian. I know that Greece has
a few Egiptani. Does Bulgaria?
Are you speaking of the Gypsies?
Egiptani claim not to be Roma.
2008-07-17 10:40:48 UTC
Post by ++
Post by S_N
Post by S_N
They do not care, really. What is important for them is the fact that
the Hunza
claim to be descendants of Alexander's sodiers and what they are trying to
achieve it to get recognition b the Hunza people as descendants of th
Macedonians. This is merely a move of diplomacy.
I expect their next move will be to invite someone from Egypt to get
for being relatives of Cleopatra....
The Macedonians already have a people, Egiptani, living in their nation,
who internationally claim Egyptian ancestry and Alexandrine ancestry in
connection with being Macedonian. I know that Greece has a few
Egiptani. Does Bulgaria?
Are you speaking of the Gypsies?
Egiptani claim not to be Roma.
It does not matter what they claim. It matters what they are
2008-07-17 17:23:28 UTC
Post by S_N
Post by ++
I know that Greece has a few Egiptani. Does Bulgaria?
Are you speaking of the Gypsies?
Egiptani claim not to be Roma.
It does not matter what they claim. It matters what they are
Since you cannot even state the answer to the question whether Bulgaria
has an Egiptani minority, how would you know? The way I think is , yes,
they look like Egyptians. They have those sorts of noses, they look
different than Roma, but they may be related some millenium back, and
these day of inter-community marriage, may be related even now. Still,
there is a difference.
Spirit of Truth
2008-07-18 06:34:35 UTC
Post by ++
Post by S_N
Post by ++
I know that Greece has a few Egiptani. Does Bulgaria?
Are you speaking of the Gypsies?
Egiptani claim not to be Roma.
It does not matter what they claim. It matters what they are
Since you cannot even state the answer to the question whether Bulgaria
has an Egiptani minority, how would you know? The way I think is , yes,
they look like Egyptians. They have those sorts of noses, they look
different than Roma, but they may be related some millenium back, and
these day of inter-community marriage, may be related even now. Still,
there is a difference.
Well, Gail, since you have Roma heritage how do they compare to
your looks?

Spirit of Truth
2008-07-18 07:15:59 UTC
Post by ++
Post by S_N
Post by ++
I know that Greece has a few Egiptani. Does Bulgaria?
Are you speaking of the Gypsies?
Egiptani claim not to be Roma.
It does not matter what they claim. It matters what they are
Since you cannot even state the answer to the question whether Bulgaria
has an Egiptani minority, how would you know?
We have Roma who call theselves Egiptani.

The way I think is , yes,
Post by ++
they look like Egyptians.
Well, this is the way the name gypsy, gitan, gitano came to existence

They have those sorts of noses, they look
Post by ++
different than Roma, but they may be related some millenium back, and
these day of inter-community marriage, may be related even now. Still,
there is a difference.
Over the years you have posted thousands of stupid and ignorant posts. This
beats them all. Read it again and if you still do not realize the silliness
in it, there is no hope.
Hint: why don't you bother to check where 'Little Egyps" was in the 12th
century when the
first of these people came to the Balkans.
2008-07-19 10:25:41 UTC
Post by ++
Post by S_N
Post by ++
I know that Greece has a few Egiptani. Does Bulgaria?
Are you speaking of the Gypsies?
Egiptani claim not to be Roma.
It does not matter what they claim. It matters what they are
Since you cannot even state the answer to the question whether Bulgaria
has an Egiptani minority, how would you know? The way I think is , yes,
they look like Egyptians. They have those sorts of noses, they look
different than Roma, but they may be related some millenium back, and
these day of inter-community marriage, may be related even now. Still,
there is a difference.
We had Gypsy people who called themselves "Egiptani". They are from the same
Gitanos group of the Roma.
And they also consider themselves Roma, take exculsively Roma spouses, speak
one of the Roma dialects.
So, what these people might be - descendats of the Ramzes III?
2008-07-20 01:13:33 UTC
Post by stephan.nikolov
Post by ++
Post by S_N
Post by ++
I know that Greece has a few Egiptani. Does Bulgaria?
Are you speaking of the Gypsies?
Egiptani claim not to be Roma.
It does not matter what they claim. It matters what they are
Since you cannot even state the answer to the question whether
Bulgaria has an Egiptani minority, how would you know? The way I
think is , yes, they look like Egyptians. They have those sorts of
noses, they look different than Roma, but they may be related some
millenium back, and these day of inter-community marriage, may be
related even now. Still, there is a difference.
We had Gypsy people who called themselves "Egiptani". They are from
the same Gitanos group of the Roma.
And they also consider themselves Roma, take exculsively Roma spouses,
speak one of the Roma dialects.
So, what these people might be - descendats of the Ramzes III?
I like every one of the Egiptani I have ever met. They don't need to be
related to a lamer like Ramses. They're probably .related to Cleopatra