Istor the Macedonian
2008-09-24 13:38:29 UTC
On 24 Σεπτ, 11:18, "Krater Makedonski" <***> wrote:
call our capital Thessaloniki just like our ancestors called it 2500
The above examples are only but a few for the MACEDONIANS in this book of J.
Gordon, highlighting the fact that Macedonia was (is) populated by
MACEDONIANS. The "Bulgars", "Black Athenians", etc are nothing but
POLITICAL, ARTIFICIAL INVENTIONS, created by the respective occupiers of
(parts of) Macedonia, with the primary aim of "justifying" their ill gained
Macedonians are easily distinguishable from peoples around: We proudlyGordon, highlighting the fact that Macedonia was (is) populated by
MACEDONIANS. The "Bulgars", "Black Athenians", etc are nothing but
POLITICAL, ARTIFICIAL INVENTIONS, created by the respective occupiers of
(parts of) Macedonia, with the primary aim of "justifying" their ill gained
call our capital Thessaloniki just like our ancestors called it 2500