"A Balkan Freebooter" (1916): - the Macedonians
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Istor the Macedonian
2008-09-24 13:38:29 UTC
On 24 Σεπτ, 11:18, "Krater Makedonski" <***@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
The above examples are only but a few for the MACEDONIANS in this book of J.
Gordon, highlighting the fact that  Macedonia was (is) populated by
MACEDONIANS. The "Bulgars", "Black Athenians", etc are nothing but
POLITICAL, ARTIFICIAL INVENTIONS, created by the respective occupiers of
(parts of) Macedonia, with the primary aim of "justifying" their ill gained
Macedonians are easily distinguishable from peoples around: We proudly
call our capital Thessaloniki just like our ancestors called it 2500
Istor the Macedonian
2008-09-25 20:07:40 UTC
On 24 Σεπτ, 11:18, "Krater Makedonski" <***@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
The above examples are only but a few for the MACEDONIANS in this book of J.
Gordon, highlighting the fact that  Macedonia was (is) populated by
MACEDONIANS. The "Bulgars", "Black Athenians", etc are nothing but
POLITICAL, ARTIFICIAL INVENTIONS, created by the respective occupiers of
(parts of) Macedonia, with the primary aim of "justifying" their ill gained
Macedonian is whoever is proud of that campaign that Macedonians did
to spread Greek Language and Civilization to the World, right?
Istor the Macedonian
2008-09-25 20:10:14 UTC
I have in my possession a book written by an Ottoman governor of the
time about "The History of Macedonian Brigandage and the Last (of the)
Ottoman Administration" in which he makes a clear distinction between
Macedonians and Greeks. In this book the author says that the Komitaj
Then he is illiterate.
2008-09-25 21:25:32 UTC
Post by Istor the Macedonian
I have in my possession a book written by an Ottoman governor of the
time about "The History of Macedonian Brigandage and the Last (of the)
Ottoman Administration" in which he makes a clear distinction between
Macedonians and Greeks. In this book the author says that the Komitaj
Then he is illiterate.
That "Ottoman Governor" is his uncle...
And of course colon-nik has the only book of that "governor";-)
What a LIAR!
E' mai possibile, oh porco di un cane, che le avventure
in codesto reame debban risolversi tutte con grandi
puttane! F.d.A

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