"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and similar.
(too old to reply)
2008-08-23 10:51:06 UTC
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla

Have a nice day!

Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
2008-08-23 20:11:48 UTC
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into NATO, but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by its behavior, its respect and fullfilment of the prerequisites of EU for good neighborly relations, especially with Greece.

2008-08-23 20:21:05 UTC
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into
NATO, but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by
its behavior, its respect and fullfilment of >the prerequisites of EU for
good neighborly relations, especially with Greece.
Well, we all are entitled to our opinion but here I was -mainly- commenting
the latest news about Fyrom's leadership discussing about a change of
position on the name issue!
The PS was just to tease the morons;-)
E' mai possibile, oh porco di un cane, che le avventure
in codesto reame debban risolversi tutte con grandi
puttane! F.d.A

Coins, travels and more:
Istor the Macedonian
2008-08-23 21:09:54 UTC
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
   Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into NATO, but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by its behavior, its respect and fullfilment of the prerequisites of EU for good neighborly relations, especially with Greece.
Severmakedonija or Gornomakedonija or Novomakedonija ....
The new name of FYROM MUST be ONE word but the word Makedonia.

We shall not forget that the name of SlavoSKopian language shall not
be Macedonian. We shall talk about that when EU membership is set up
for FYROM.
Spirit of Truth
2008-08-23 21:54:12 UTC
"Panayiotis" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:g8pquc$jtg$***@volcano1.grnet.gr...
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into
NATO, but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by
its behavior, its respect and fullfilment of the prerequisites of EU for
good neighborly relations, especially with Greece.


No, sorry to say, Greece should have held it's position and not let
Fyrom become a nation in the first place until it had a correct name.

Now, it should have learned that lesson.

Spirit of Truth
2008-08-24 09:46:53 UTC
"Panayiotis" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:g8pquc$jtg$***@volcano1.grnet.gr...
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into
NATO, >>>

You are crazy. That makes Greece into a servant of the USA and shows its

Greece should invade FYROM for making claims to Greek territory and slice it
up between Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and itself. Problem solved.

<<<but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by its
behavior, its respect and fullfilment of the prerequisites of EU for good
neighborly relations, especially with Greece. >>>
2008-08-24 12:46:28 UTC
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into
NATO, >>>
You are crazy. That makes Greece into a servant of the USA and shows its
Perhaps I am crazy!
Hoped that someone would weigh more my second part of the statement, than the first part.
Time will show if I am crazy or not.

Stability in the Balkans is of prime importance.
Greece can make a step back, let FYROM become a NATO member, contribute to the stability of the region and have accession of FYROM to EU as the main weapon, for which USA cannot do much, in contrast to NATO.

Afterall, FYROM gets whatever they want from the US, either they are in NATO or outside.
Accession to EU hurts them badly. They will realize it some day.
Post by Panayiotis
Greece should invade FYROM for making claims to Greek territory and slice it
up between Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and itself. Problem solved.
Do you still believe in fairytales?
Post by Panayiotis
<<<but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by its
behavior, its respect and fullfilment of the prerequisites of EU for good
neighborly relations, especially with Greece. >>>
Good neighborly relations towards all of its neighbors. Don't forget that both Bulgaria and Greece are EU members and FYROM does not have the best of relations with either one.

Spirit of Truth
2008-08-25 01:14:29 UTC
"Panayiotis" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:g8rl7c$muj$***@volcano1.grnet.gr...
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into
NATO, >>>
You are crazy. That makes Greece into a servant of the USA and shows its
Perhaps I am crazy!
Hoped that someone would weigh more my second part of the statement, than
the first part.
Time will show if I am crazy or not.

Stability in the Balkans is of prime importance.
Greece can make a step back, let FYROM become a NATO member, contribute to
the stability of the region and have accession of FYROM to EU as the main
weapon, for which USA cannot do much, in contrast to NATO.

Afterall, FYROM gets whatever they want from the US, either they are in NATO
or outside.
Accession to EU hurts them badly. They will realize it some day.
Post by Panayiotis
Greece should invade FYROM for making claims to Greek territory and slice it
up between Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and itself. Problem solved.
Do you still believe in fairytales?
Post by Panayiotis
<<<but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by its
behavior, its respect and fullfilment of the prerequisites of EU for good
neighborly relations, especially with Greece. >>>
Good neighborly relations towards all of its neighbors. Don't forget that
both Bulgaria and Greece are EU members and FYROM does not have the best of
relations with either one.


Do I have to repeat this. It applies to you too.

No, sorry to say, Greece should have held it's position and not let
Fyrom become a nation in the first place until it had a correct name.

Now, it should have learned that lesson.

Spirit of Truth
2008-08-25 07:33:51 UTC
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into
NATO, >>>
You are crazy. That makes Greece into a servant of the USA and shows its
Perhaps I am crazy!
Hoped that someone would weigh more my second part of the statement, than the first part.
Time will show if I am crazy or not.
Stability in the Balkans is of prime importance.
Greece can make a step back, let FYROM become a NATO member, contribute to
the stability of the region and have accession of FYROM to EU as the main
weapon, for which USA cannot do much, in contrast to NATO.
Afterall, FYROM gets whatever they want from the US, either they are in NATO or outside.
Accession to EU hurts them badly. They will realize it some day.
Post by Panayiotis
Greece should invade FYROM for making claims to Greek territory and slice it
up between Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and itself. Problem solved.
Do you still believe in fairytales?
Post by Panayiotis
<<<but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by its
behavior, its respect and fullfilment of the prerequisites of EU for good
neighborly relations, especially with Greece. >>>
Good neighborly relations towards all of its neighbors. Don't forget that
both Bulgaria and Greece are EU members and FYROM does not have the best of
relations with either one.
Do I have to repeat this. It applies to you too.
No, sorry to say, Greece should have held it's position and not let
Fyrom become a nation in the first place until it had a correct name.
Now, it should have learned that lesson.
Spirit of Truth
Spirit of Truth,
By "nation", I guess you mean a "state" not an "ethnos".
We have made many mistakes in our foreign policy. But, what are we going to do from now on? That is the point.

Clarification: What I wrote in my previous messages, can be realized after the resolution of the name dispute.
All NATO members agreed that the only obstacle for FYROM to enter NATO, is the name problem. We cannot change that and have to abide by it.

Well, Greece can let FYROM become a NATO member, although it does not meet the "good neighborly relations" prerequisite, as a show of good will for the stability of the area, but when it comes to entry in the EU, we should block the procedure indefinitely, until our northern neighbor changes attitute and demonstrates good neighborly relations with all its neighboring states.

Spirit of Truth
2008-08-26 03:44:21 UTC
"Panayiotis" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:g8tn97$lr4$***@volcano1.grnet.gr...
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into
NATO, >>>
You are crazy. That makes Greece into a servant of the USA and shows its
Perhaps I am crazy!
Hoped that someone would weigh more my second part of the statement, than the first part.
Time will show if I am crazy or not.
Stability in the Balkans is of prime importance.
Greece can make a step back, let FYROM become a NATO member, contribute to
the stability of the region and have accession of FYROM to EU as the main
weapon, for which USA cannot do much, in contrast to NATO.
Afterall, FYROM gets whatever they want from the US, either they are in NATO
or outside.
Accession to EU hurts them badly. They will realize it some day.
Post by Panayiotis
Greece should invade FYROM for making claims to Greek territory and slice it
up between Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and itself. Problem solved.
Do you still believe in fairytales?
Post by Panayiotis
<<<but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by its
behavior, its respect and fullfilment of the prerequisites of EU for good
neighborly relations, especially with Greece. >>>
Good neighborly relations towards all of its neighbors. Don't forget that
both Bulgaria and Greece are EU members and FYROM does not have the best of
relations with either one.
Do I have to repeat this. It applies to you too.
No, sorry to say, Greece should have held it's position and not let
Fyrom become a nation in the first place until it had a correct name.
Now, it should have learned that lesson.
Spirit of Truth
Spirit of Truth,
By "nation", I guess you mean a "state" not an "ethnos".

We have made many mistakes in our foreign policy. But, what are we going to
do from now on? That is the point.

Clarification: What I wrote in my previous messages, can be realized after
the resolution of the name dispute.
All NATO members agreed that the only obstacle for FYROM to enter NATO, is
the name problem. We cannot change that and have to abide by it.

Well, Greece can let FYROM become a NATO member, although it does not meet
the "good neighborly relations" prerequisite, as a show of good will for the
stability of the area, but when it comes to entry in the EU, we should block
the procedure indefinitely, until our northern neighbor changes attitute and
demonstrates good neighborly relations with all its neighboring states.



What is it with you? Don't you understand yet that Greek GOODWILL
instead og good sense allowed the current situation?!!!!!!!!

Spirit of Truth
Istor the Macedonian
2008-08-26 14:14:59 UTC
Post by Panayiotis
stability of the area, but when it comes to entry in the EU, we should block
the procedure indefinitely, until our northern neighbor changes attitute and
demonstrates good neighborly relations with all its neighboring states.
What is it with you? Don't you understand yet that Greek GOODWILL
instead og good sense allowed the current situation?!!!!!!!!
Spirit of Truth
Spirit is (always) right. No more good will for SlavoSkopians; they
don't deserve it.
2008-08-26 17:04:48 UTC
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
stability of the area, but when it comes to entry in the EU, we should block
the procedure indefinitely, until our northern neighbor changes attitute and
demonstrates good neighborly relations with all its neighboring states.
What is it with you? Don't you understand yet that Greek GOODWILL
instead og good sense allowed the current situation?!!!!!!!!
Spirit of Truth
Spirit is (always) right. No more good will for SlavoSkopians; they
don't deserve it.

Istor the Macedonian,
Quit brown-nosing!

Who said "good will for SlavoSkopians"?

You must be naive about diplomacy.

Spirit of Truth
2008-08-28 06:38:44 UTC
"Panayiotis" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:g91d40$dcf$***@volcano1.grnet.gr...
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
stability of the area, but when it comes to entry in the EU, we should block
the procedure indefinitely, until our northern neighbor changes attitute and
demonstrates good neighborly relations with all its neighboring states.
What is it with you? Don't you understand yet that Greek GOODWILL
instead og good sense allowed the current situation?!!!!!!!!
Spirit of Truth
Spirit is (always) right. No more good will for SlavoSkopians; they
don't deserve it.

Istor the Macedonian,
Quit brown-nosing!

Who said "good will for SlavoSkopians"?

You must be naive about diplomacy.


Diplomacy yes but that is _not_ giving up your hand to the wolf who will
tear it off and eat it and the rest of you with it.

Spirit of Truth
Istor the Macedonian
2008-08-28 20:49:10 UTC
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
Post by Panayiotis
stability of the area, but when it comes to entry in the EU, we should block
the procedure indefinitely, until our northern neighbor changes attitute and
demonstrates good neighborly relations with all its neighboring states.
What is it with you? Don't you understand yet that Greek GOODWILL
instead og good sense allowed the current situation?!!!!!!!!
Spirit of Truth
Spirit is (always) right. No more good will for SlavoSkopians; they
don't deserve it.
Istor the Macedonian,
Quit brown-nosing!
Who said "good will for SlavoSkopians"?
You, Panayoti.
Post by Panayiotis
You must be naive about diplomacy.
Yellow card.
2008-08-28 21:48:47 UTC
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
Post by Panayiotis
stability of the area, but when it comes to entry in the EU, we should block
the procedure indefinitely, until our northern neighbor changes attitute and
demonstrates good neighborly relations with all its neighboring states.
What is it with you? Don't you understand yet that Greek GOODWILL
instead og good sense allowed the current situation?!!!!!!!!
Spirit of Truth
Spirit is (always) right. No more good will for SlavoSkopians; they
don't deserve it.
Istor the Macedonian,
Quit brown-nosing!
Who said "good will for SlavoSkopians"?
You, Panayoti.

Istor the Macedonian,
Really? Did I say/write "good will for SlavoSkopians"? Where, when? Show me!


2008-08-25 07:50:54 UTC
"Panayiotis" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:g8rl7c$muj$***@volcano1.grnet.gr...
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into
NATO, >>>
You are crazy. That makes Greece into a servant of the USA and shows its
Perhaps I am crazy!
Hoped that someone would weigh more my second part of the statement, than
the first part.
Time will show if I am crazy or not.

Stability in the Balkans is of prime importance.
Greece can make a step back, let FYROM become a NATO member, contribute to
the stability of the region and have accession of FYROM to EU as the main
weapon, for which USA cannot do much, in contrast to NATO. >>>

BOLLOCKS! NATO does not contribute to stability in the Balkans or anywhere
else. It is a cause of instability by promoting and perpetuating divisive,
aggressive and anti-Greek US foreign policy.

<<<Afterall, FYROM gets whatever they want from the US, either they are in
NATO or outside. >>>


With FYROM out of NATO then FYROM will break up between Albania, Bulgaria,
Serbia and Greece. This is to Greece's benefit since it leads to the
solution of the FYROM problem.

With FYROM out of NATO the US does not get what it wants and therefore has
to do as Greece pleases. If FYROM is in NATO then FYROM will have what it
wants, the US will have its bases to destabilise the Balkans from, and both
will be more anti-Greek than ever and Greece will loose a bargaining chip
for concessions.

<<<Accession to EU hurts them badly. They will realize it some day.>>>

In other words the Fyromians care more about NATO and the arms it will bring
for them to control their minorites and don't care about the EU at all. All
the more reason to deny them membership of both.
Post by Panayiotis
Greece should invade FYROM for making claims to Greek territory and slice it
up between Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and itself. Problem solved.
Do you still believe in fairytales?>>>

Did you miss Russia invading Georgia with even less provocation?

All the Fyromians have is about a dozen old Russian tanks that are barley
serviceable. Invading and dismantling Fyrom will be a walk over.
Post by Panayiotis
<<<but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by its
behavior, its respect and fullfilment of the prerequisites of EU for good
neighborly relations, especially with Greece. >>>
<<<Good neighborly relations towards all of its neighbors. Don't forget that
both Bulgaria and Greece are EU members and FYROM does not have the best of
relations with either one.>>>

All the more reason to dismantle it. FYROM has not right to exist.
2008-08-25 14:15:12 UTC
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into
NATO, >>>
You are crazy. That makes Greece into a servant of the USA and shows its
Perhaps I am crazy!
Hoped that someone would weigh more my second part of the statement, than the first part.
Time will show if I am crazy or not.
Stability in the Balkans is of prime importance.
Greece can make a step back, let FYROM become a NATO member, contribute to
the stability of the region and have accession of FYROM to EU as the main
weapon, for which USA cannot do much, in contrast to NATO. >>>
BOLLOCKS! NATO does not contribute to stability in the Balkans or anywhere
else. It is a cause of instability by promoting and perpetuating divisive,
aggressive and anti-Greek US foreign policy.
<<<Afterall, FYROM gets whatever they want from the US, either they are in
NATO or outside. >>>
With FYROM out of NATO then FYROM will break up between Albania, Bulgaria,
Serbia and Greece. This is to Greece's benefit since it leads to the
solution of the FYROM problem.
With FYROM out of NATO the US does not get what it wants and therefore has
to do as Greece pleases. If FYROM is in NATO then FYROM will have what it
wants, the US will have its bases to destabilise the Balkans from, and both
will be more anti-Greek than ever and Greece will loose a bargaining chip
for concessions.
<<<Accession to EU hurts them badly. They will realize it some day.>>>
In other words the Fyromians care more about NATO and the arms it will bring
for them to control their minorites and don't care about the EU at all. All
the more reason to deny them membership of both.
What's wrong with you?
You have been corresponding on this ng for a long time and got bad habits (distorting) from Skopjans!

FYROMians care for both NATO and EU. Being outside of NATO does not hurt them very much, because the superpower covers all their needs.

As for EU, it is a "must" for their survival. It hurts them more, it hurts them badly.

That's all.

Post by Panayiotis
Post by Panayiotis
Greece should invade FYROM for making claims to Greek territory and slice it
up between Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and itself. Problem solved.
Do you still believe in fairytales?>>>
Did you miss Russia invading Georgia with even less provocation?
All the Fyromians have is about a dozen old Russian tanks that are barley
serviceable. Invading and dismantling Fyrom will be a walk over.
Post by Panayiotis
<<<but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by its
behavior, its respect and fullfilment of the prerequisites of EU for good
neighborly relations, especially with Greece. >>>
<<<Good neighborly relations towards all of its neighbors. Don't forget that
both Bulgaria and Greece are EU members and FYROM does not have the best of
relations with either one.>>>
All the more reason to dismantle it. FYROM has not right to exist.
2008-08-25 17:55:51 UTC
"Panayiotis" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:g8ueps$cpq$***@volcano1.grnet.gr...
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by Panayiotis
"And Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece."
(Strabo VII, Frg. 9 [Loeb, H.L. Jones])
Post by gogu
Well, it seems that it's final!
Fyrom *WILL* accept a derivative name with geographical determination!
"North Macedonia", Upper Macedonia" and/or similar.
I wonder what will have to say now GaVlina, "Krater" and the rest of the
nationalistic idiots (Andy included);-)
"We will never (sic!) abandon or change our constitutional name RoM" bla bla
Have a nice day!
Fyrom-ians, remember Alamo...eeeer....Osetia/Georgia;-)
My personal view is that Greece should not block FYROM's membership into
NATO, >>>
You are crazy. That makes Greece into a servant of the USA and shows its
Perhaps I am crazy!
Hoped that someone would weigh more my second part of the statement, than the first part.
Time will show if I am crazy or not.
Stability in the Balkans is of prime importance.
Greece can make a step back, let FYROM become a NATO member, contribute to
the stability of the region and have accession of FYROM to EU as the main
weapon, for which USA cannot do much, in contrast to NATO. >>>
BOLLOCKS! NATO does not contribute to stability in the Balkans or anywhere
else. It is a cause of instability by promoting and perpetuating divisive,
aggressive and anti-Greek US foreign policy.
<<<Afterall, FYROM gets whatever they want from the US, either they are in
NATO or outside. >>>
With FYROM out of NATO then FYROM will break up between Albania, Bulgaria,
Serbia and Greece. This is to Greece's benefit since it leads to the
solution of the FYROM problem.
With FYROM out of NATO the US does not get what it wants and therefore has
to do as Greece pleases. If FYROM is in NATO then FYROM will have what it
wants, the US will have its bases to destabilise the Balkans from, and both
will be more anti-Greek than ever and Greece will loose a bargaining chip
for concessions.
<<<Accession to EU hurts them badly. They will realize it some day.>>>
In other words the Fyromians care more about NATO and the arms it will bring
for them to control their minorites and don't care about the EU at all. All
the more reason to deny them membership of both.
What's wrong with you?
You have been corresponding on this ng for a long time and got bad habits
(distorting) from Skopjans!

FYROMians care for both NATO and EU. Being outside of NATO does not hurt
them very much, because the superpower covers all their needs.>>>

Without a NATO occupation force which has been in Vardarska Banovina for the
past decade Vardarska Banovina would broken up already because it doesn't
have the resources to stop itself breaking up that NATO membership would
give it. Allow Vardarska Banovina into NATO and it will have carte-blanch to
oppress its minorities and aggress against Greece. Keep it out of NATO and
it will face total obliteration if it continues with its unfounded claims
and racist polices.

<<<As for EU, it is a "must" for their survival. It hurts them more, it
hurts them badly.

That's all.>>>
Post by Panayiotis
Post by Panayiotis
Greece should invade FYROM for making claims to Greek territory and slice it
up between Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and itself. Problem solved.
Do you still believe in fairytales?>>>
Did you miss Russia invading Georgia with even less provocation?
All the Fyromians have is about a dozen old Russian tanks that are barley
serviceable. Invading and dismantling Fyrom will be a walk over.
Post by Panayiotis
<<<but we should NOT allow it to become an EU member before it shows, by its
behavior, its respect and fullfilment of the prerequisites of EU for good
neighborly relations, especially with Greece. >>>
<<<Good neighborly relations towards all of its neighbors. Don't forget that
both Bulgaria and Greece are EU members and FYROM does not have the best of
relations with either one.>>>
All the more reason to dismantle it. FYROM has not right to exist.