A picture worth 1000 words ...
(too old to reply)
Istor the Macedonian
2008-08-05 14:08:09 UTC
Download and see the "Macedonia Almanac", 1931 - with few additional
photos from 1941 as well.

Nikolay and other friends around, I think that the ethnic name of
SlavoSkopians is not a matter of documents or proofs or data any more.
That Macedonians have been Greeks and SlavoSkopians have been
Bulgarians are obvious facts.

The point is now how to crash propaganda machine which dominates FYROM
and keeps poor SlavoSkopians in Underground. This is hard, because
most SlavoSkopians reaaly love the lies they live in!

I think that Bulgaria is waiting for the moment that she has direct
access to SlavoSkopian people; that's why she avoids talking too much
about SlavoSkopians.
Nikolay Sarmadzhiev
2008-08-05 16:41:53 UTC
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Download and see the "Macedonia Almanac", 1931 - with few additional
photos from 1941 as well.
Nikolay and other friends around, I think that the ethnic name of
SlavoSkopians is not a matter of documents or proofs or data any more.
That Macedonians have been Greeks and SlavoSkopians have been
Bulgarians are obvious facts.
The point is now how to crash propaganda machine which dominates FYROM
and keeps poor SlavoSkopians in Underground. This is hard, because
most SlavoSkopians reaaly love the lies they live in!
I think that Bulgaria is waiting for the moment that she has direct
access to SlavoSkopian people; that's why she avoids talking too much
about SlavoSkopians.
Sometimes, people that are not from Bulgaria/Greece are coming and
suggesting some "compromise".
They do not understand nor trying to understand the issues at hand.
They simply think they can apply teh universal rule and mend all
This is why I put the link to the Almanac, to see what were the
realities at the dawn of 20th century.

Although it is prepare by VMRO, the Almanac, that was present in
European Parliament, was highly valued by Greek historians as well,
which is here to tell something.

And for the "Macedonist", the almanac is not new propaganda from
Bulgaria/Greece -> it is 80 years old, was banned in Bulgaria during
Communist rule.
One of the few copies that left was taken and republish.
