Virgin Mary Celebration celebrated on the new calendar in Greece
(too old to reply)
Istor the Macedonian
2008-08-17 09:10:35 UTC
The Dormition / Assumption of the Blessed Theotokos, the God Bearer is
Moscow, moved to the civil calendar as well.  The Canons of the Orthodox
Church provide for no changes in calendar without a general council
which would include participation from all the Orthodox Churches worldwide.


Abre haivanitsa!
Does any canon impose use of that calendar which few centuries after
will lead to celebrate Christmas with Easter?

Holy Bible says "Tsarot na Grcija" for Alexander and your imbecile
"church" denies Its Truth!
2008-08-17 12:23:03 UTC
"Istor the Macedonian" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:f0ca1f40-c3a3-4843-bda6-***@p25g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...

Holy Bible says "Tsarot na Grcija" for Alexander and your imbecile
"church" denies Its Truth!

Well, it depends on which one of their churches. There is one synod, called
Ochrid Archbishopric that actually gives quite a realistic
account on history and doctrine....
2008-08-17 18:35:12 UTC
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Holy Bible says "Tsarot na Grcija" for Alexander and your imbecile
"church" denies Its Truth!
So now you are the expert on the textus receptus and its varients, and
of course, all the Slavonic translations
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Well, it depends on which one of their churches. There is one synod,
called Ochrid Archbishopric that actually gives quite a realistic
account on history and doctrine....
Istor the Macedonian
2008-08-17 20:10:51 UTC
Post by ++
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Holy Bible says "Tsarot na Grcija" for Alexander and your imbecile
"church" denies Its Truth!
So now you are the expert on the textus receptus and its varients, and
of course, all the Slavonic translations
I am expert of Greek Language and I know the meaning of the passage.
If you need help I am glad to dive a hand.
2008-08-17 21:24:04 UTC
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Post by ++
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Holy Bible says "Tsarot na Grcija" for Alexander and your imbecile
"church" denies Its Truth!
So now you are the expert on the textus receptus and its varients, and
of course, all the Slavonic translations
I am expert of Greek Language and I know the meaning of the passage.
If you need help I am glad to dive a hand.
Is the passage in Sinaiticus?
Istor the Macedonian
2008-08-17 22:55:04 UTC
Post by ++
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Post by ++
So now you are the expert on the textus receptus and its varients, and
of course, all the Slavonic translations
I am expert of Greek Language and I know the meaning of the passage.
If you need help I am glad to dive a hand.
Is the passage in Sinaiticus?

Why don't you do a research and tell us about?
Is SlavoSkopian Holy Bible wrong?
2008-08-18 06:42:17 UTC
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Post by ++
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Holy Bible says "Tsarot na Grcija" for Alexander and your imbecile
"church" denies Its Truth!
So now you are the expert on the textus receptus and its varients, and
of course, all the Slavonic translations
I am expert of Greek Language and I know the meaning of the passage.
If you need help I am glad to dive a hand.
Is the passage in Sinaiticus?

Daniel 8:15-22: And the he-goat is the king of Greece; and the great horn
between his eyes is the first king. As for the horn that was broken, in
place of which four others arose, four kingdoms shall arise from his nation,
but not with his power.
Daniel 10:20 Then he said, "Do you know why I have come to you? Now I will
return to fight with the prince of Persia. When I go forth, behold, the
prince of Greece shall come.
Daniel 11:2-4: And now I will show you the truth. Behold, three more kings
shall arise in Persia; and a fourth shall be far richer than all of them;
and when he has become strong through his riches, he shall stir up all
against the kingdom of Greece. Then a mighty king shall arise, who shall
rule with great dominion and do according to his will. And when he has
arisen, his kingdom shall be broken and divided toward the four winds of
heaven, but not to his posterity, nor according to the dominion with which
he ruled; for his kingdom shall be plucked up and go to others besides
2008-08-18 06:31:40 UTC
Most of them - yes. At the end of the day this is the field of my research.
Nec vitia nostra nec remedia pati possumus ......
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Holy Bible says "Tsarot na Grcija" for Alexander and your imbecile
"church" denies Its Truth!
So now you are the expert on the textus receptus and its varients, and of
course, all the Slavonic translations
Post by Istor the Macedonian
Well, it depends on which one of their churches. There is one synod,
called Ochrid Archbishopric that actually gives quite a realistic
account on history and doctrine....
Istor the Macedonian
2008-08-19 14:18:55 UTC
So illumine us with the words of the various Greek mss and copies,
various Slavonic mss on some of the same texts.
alt.news.fyrom removed from headers
To illuminate you about what,  arrogant nincompoop!!!???
Well, I suppose that phrase is as clear as any demonstration of your wisdom
About that Daniel's passage, there is John Chryssostom's passage in

alt.news.fyrom is added in headers for the issue is of great
importance for SlavoSkopians.
2008-08-19 17:20:16 UTC
So illumine us with the words of the various Greek mss and copies,
various Slavonic mss on some of the same texts.
alt.news.fyrom removed from headers
To illuminate you about what, arrogant nincompoop!!!???
Well, I suppose that phrase is as clear as any demonstration of your wisdom
About that Daniel's passage, there is John Chryssostom's passage in
Of course, there is. Any of the early Christian and Church Fathers'
commentaries on Daniel
would give you that. St John Chrysostom is just one among many.
Take for instance, St Jerome:

"And behold, there was a he-goat which was coming from the West above the
surface of the whole earth, and yet without touching the ground. ..." So
that no one will think that I am attaching a private interpretation to this,
let us simply repeat the words of Gabriel as he explained the prophet's
vision. He said, "The ram whom thou sawest to possess two horns is the king
of the Medes and Persians." This was, of course, Darius the son of Arsames,
in whose reign the kingdom of the Medes and Persians was destroyed. "There
was in addition a he-goat, who was coming from the west," and because of his
extraordinary |85 speed he appeared not to touch the ground. This was
Alexander, the king of the Greeks, who after the overthrow of Thebes took up
arms against the Persians. Commencing the conflict at the Granicus River, he
conquered the generals of Darius and finally smashed against (674) the ram
himself and broke in pieces his two horns, the Medes and the Persians.
Casting him beneath his feet, he subjected both horns to his own authority."


alt.news.fyrom is added in headers for the issue is of great
importance for SlavoSkopians.
2008-08-19 18:40:45 UTC
stephan.nikolov, a Byzantine scholar showing his great love for
Post by Istor the Macedonian
alt.news.fyrom is added in headers for the issue is of great
importance for SlavoSkopians.
alt.news.fyrom removed from headers as I bothered to look and see who
was playing insulting games.
2008-08-19 19:37:38 UTC
Post by ++
stephan.nikolov, a Byzantine scholar showing his great love for
Post by Istor the Macedonian
alt.news.fyrom is added in headers for the issue is of great
importance for SlavoSkopians.
alt.news.fyrom removed from headers as I bothered to look and see who was
playing insulting games.

messing it up, again?
Istor the Macedonian
2008-08-19 20:44:16 UTC
On 19 Αύγ, 21:40, ++ <***@spambot.com> wrote:
Post by ++
Post by Istor the Macedonian
alt.news.fyrom is added in headers for the issue is of great
importance for SlavoSkopians.
alt.news.fyrom removed from headers as I bothered to look and see who
was playing insulting games.
hayvanitsa my dear, would you cite for us your brilliant comment about
those John Chrysostom words if I remove "alt.news.fyrom" from the

alt.news.fyrom is added on the headers just to let SlavoSkopian people
know the inability of Galinitsa to answer those comments and expose
her in SlavoSkopian minds. In fact she is not different that any
common imbecile SlavoSkopian propagandist.
Istor the Macedonian
2008-08-19 20:38:06 UTC
Thank you for your beautiful summary of your love for me.  Btw, what is
"heretism"?  Is that anyone who isn't a Roman Catholic like yourself, or

When a SlavoSkopian denies Holy Bible's obvious truth, this is
heretism. For instance, Holy Bible says that Alexander was King of
Greeks, that is that Macedonians have been Greeks. Even SlavoSkopian
translation of the Book says "Tsarot na Grcija" ( when it should say
"Tsarot na Grcite") but SlavoSkopians are building their identity upon
denial of that truth.

This is heretism, this is the main reason that no Orthodox Church
recognizes that heretic and schismatic self called "Macedonian

alt.news.fyrom is added on headers because the issue is of great
importance for SlavoSkopians.
2008-08-24 21:25:26 UTC
Post by Istor the Macedonian
When a SlavoSkopian denies Holy Bible's obvious truth, this is
He, he, what a joke... :)

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